"W-who-" "Kirstin, this photo was taken way before you were born and way before Cyrus is where he is now but, we were in the same college and he was top of his engineering class! He worked with a company who wanted to change technology for the future. Cyrus built human-like droids! They were made to look like humans but droid on the inside. They were given assignments to help people or to build things. I had no idea he built those until later on." She explained.

"After we graduated college he ended up, being the CEO of that company and changed it to Borg Industries. He also kept building droids. Now I still had no idea he was doing that until I walked in the building one day. I went to check on him and I bumped into one of the workers there which just so happened to be-" "Father?" "Yes. It was...love at first sight actually. Cyrus saw me and introduced me to him! And well you know what he said?" "No what?"

Your mom smiled and looked down, "Kayla, this is Model 6478 of my humanoid droid line! But your father just told me to call him by his real name, Ryan." "W-what??" You said in disbelief. "Kirstin your father was a droid. And skipping to the point I guess, you're...half droid."

"SHE'S HALF DROID!?" Zane and Jay said in surprise and your mother shook her head yes. Your hand went up to your mouth with a gasp and you stood up and backed away. Tears fell down your face and you shook your head, "NO!! I-I...IS THAT WHY YOU TOLD ME I WAS YOUR PERFECT DAUGHTER! BECAUSE I'M A MACHINE!?" You yelled and your mother got up and shook her head no.

"Of course not Kirstin! It's not about the abilities you can do! It's who you are to us! Your personality, your heart, you Kirstin!" You almost tripped as you backed away and then suddenly your vision turned into some sort of...screen vision. You saw numbers, saw the temperatures around you, the blood types of Jay and your mother, everything all on a screen. "WHAT IS THIS!?!" You yelled and began to feel weak and fall.

Zane and Jay catch you and try to calm you down but you close your eyes tight and release yourself from them. "I NEVER ASKED FOR THIS!!!" You said then ran right out of the house.

You didn't know where you were going but you didn't care. You felt like even worse than you did before. You felt like even more freaky. Half droid? How could your mother and father keep this from you your whole life. You were very upset at them, even though your father was now gone.

You made it to a tree and slid down it, you brought your head to your knees and you cried. You never asked for this life. In fact how were you even crying? How exactly were you a 'half droid?' You were still confused too.

You sat there crying for about 20 minutes before you felt tingling in you. You felt a presence sit in front of you, "Kirstin?" You didn't look up but you immediately knew it was Zane.

You sniffed, "Leave me alone." "But Kirstin...I understand how it feels." "No you don't." "Yes I do! I once thought I was human." When you heard that, you looked up and saw Zane with your weird screen vision, which was now blurry and wet since you cried. "W-what do you mean?" You asked with a shaky voice.

Zane gave you a small smile, "I'm a humanoid droid too. Just like your father, I used to look like a human too, before the titanium. I-i used to think...I was odd too and so did the others. Until, I stumbled upon my father's uh, tree house and I found a blueprint...Of me." Zane explained and you stopped crying as you listened to what Zane had to say.

"And...how did you react?" You asked. "Just like you did. Although a bit more dramatic. But I was worried the others might not accept me if they found out. They were all I had if they left. But, they embraced who I was and thought I was pretty...cool. I embraced who I am as well and learned to use my droid abilities. I know you can to. And we'll be with you every step of the way."

Ice: A Zane Roberts FanficWhere stories live. Discover now