"Umm" I said awkwardly "Do you have a key like, y'know so I can help you in..." I trailed off a bit.

A look of pure horror flashed across his face "Uh, Umm-"

"Shh, it's okay I just need to help you that's all I felt a bit awkward asking myself..." He seemed to relax a bit after slowly handing over his keys.

I opened his door and lifted him a little so he was inside and shut the door behind me.

"Where's the kitchen? I'll help you clean up" I said before helping him hobble towards a rather large nice kitchen. He glided his fingers along the walls as if to tell himself where he was going. I sat him down at a chair and ran over to the sink to get a clean cloth and some paper towels. I ran the cloth under warm water and walked back over to him pulling a chair to sit opposite to him.

"Tell me if this hurts okay?" I said holding up the damp cloth to his face. He gave me small nod so I slowly pushed his fringe away and started to wipe at the blood on his temple.

"So, Harry how old are you?" I started to say trying to make a little conversation even if it was small talk but I guess it's a good enough seeing as though we met 10 minutes ago.

"Umm, 15, y-you?" he replied slowly.

"Really?! Wow, and I turned 17 a couple months ago" I smiled but oh yeah...

"Why was you so s-shocked by my age?" he replied with a little raspy chuckle. Well at-least he's not as nervous and I got him to laugh, but this damn cut won't stop bleeding.

"Don't know, you look older I guess, around my age, was just shocked a little s'all"

"Oh" was Harry's reply. Well then...

"H-Harry?" I said slowly, my voice cracking a little

"Yeah?" He said looking at me.

"Umm, I don't mean to be rude I'm just y'know wondering... Umm, are y-you blind?" I replied slowly

His head rose a little as his eyes darted up again looking straight at me. His face dropped a little again and he answered with a muffled "Yeah" he looks quite... Hurt?

"Oh. I figured I just you know wanted to clarify it, sorry if it's a sensitive subject" I said while rubbing him arm attempting to soothe him a little. I carried on dabbing at the large cut while mumbling little 'sorries' every time he winced.

"No, no. I'm used to it now I guess, I was just expecting you to leave me if I said anything" his voice lowered to barely a whisper.

"What! Why?" I replied rather shocked that he thought I would do that but my answer was interrupted by the sound of the door unlocking and a brunette haired walked in the kitchen along with who I'm guessing is him mum.

His mum looked towards Harry then to me and back to Harry before dropping her bag on the floor. "What happened!" she said rushing over and taking Harry's face in her hands and examining the cut.

"M'fine mum, it's nothing" He said slowly staring at his lap

"Well it doesn't look like nothing to me, who's this?" she replied turning to look at me giving me a half glare/half warm looking stare probably because I'm a stranger in her house but I did help her son after all.

"I'm Louis; umm he got pushed off the bus and hit his head on the shelter so I helped clean up his wound a little..." I trailed off. She looked at me for a moment before giving me a warming smile and a sideways hug but receiving a little glare from Harry.

(Harry's POV)

Darkness all I can see is darkness. I don't mind it now as I'm used to it I guess but it would be nice to be able to see colours and faces and be able to read and watch films without some annoying woman commentating what's happening throughout. I sighed as Louis finished cleaning my head and my mum went to the counter to make everyone but Louis a cup of tea. He declined probably because he was shy and already felt like an intruder. I felt Louis stand up and water running so I guess he was washing the cloth the tap turned off and I felt soft, warm hands cup my cheeks.

"Harry?" He asked me and I hummed in response.

"Umm... I'm going to go I think I've been here long enough..." He trailed of sounding rather awkward.

"No!" I said a little too quickly. "Umm, don't go please?" I said trying to cover up my sudden outburst.

"Umm, okay what do you want do then?" He replied sounding a little relieved that I actually wanted him to stay.

"We can go in my room, y'know" I mumbled sounding rather embarrassed.

"Yeah, okay!" He said before helping me up and wrapping his arm around my waist before walking with me. I ran my hands along the wall before climbing the stairs slowly with Louis still attached to me. I must admit it felt... Nice knowing that someone actually cared for me, or that's what I hoped anyway. Hmm, I'll bring it up later.

(Louis POV)

I walked up the stairs with Harry still holding onto him by the waist, I was a little scared of him falling or tripping not just because he's blind but he seemed to struggle walking on his ankle. Wait why should I be scared, it's his house he must walk around here every day?! I asked myself. I guess he could get dizzy and fall; after all he did bang his head rather hard and hurt his foot. It felt nice being with Harry but I'm holding him in case he falls from the dizziness. Yes that's why, I lied to myself.

We walked into a middle-sized room that I'm guessing was Harry's. It had a deep blue carpet with white walls. There were wooden drawers and a wardrobe with a matching double bed and posters of band like 'The Fray' and singers like Stevie Wonder. Damn this boy has good taste in music I thought to myself. We sat down on his bed and I pulled my arm from around his waist before fiddling with my fingers awkwardly.

(Harry's POV)

I sat down on my bed as Louis took his arm from around him. The air suddenly went a bit thicker and there was an awkward silence. I don't know why Louis kept his arm around me because I obviously knew my way around my house but I didn't say anything because it felt nice and supporting.

I pulled myself from my thought of Louis and decided to ask him a question that was rather embarrassing as I don't think you're supposed to ask it, it just... happens.

"Umm, Louis" I said awkwardly playing with my hands that were getting rather sweaty.

"Yeah?" He replied. I could literally feel him smiling.

"Can we be friends?" I asked in one breath, terrified of what he would reply with


[A/N]: WOO CLIFFHANGER LOL. OMG this is sooooo long it's taken me half a day to write but I'm not bothered I love the idea of this story :)

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