[Request] Winter Soldier (Bucky Barnes) x Reader: Saved

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This was requested by co-co-nut. Thanks for the request, I really needed something to write about that would power through my extreme writer's block. :) This is set during Civil War. Hope you like it!


All I could see when I woke up was black. Black, empty nothing. I felt a pain in my head, and when I attempted to reach up and feel for a bump I came to the realization that my hands were bound behind my back. Beginning to panic, I tried to speak and move my legs, but my ankles were tied to the chair's front legs and my mouth had something tied over it, so everything that I tried to say came out muffled. I couldn't speak clearly, my movement was restricted and I couldn't see anything, and I became even more worried than I already was.

That's when I started to hear voices. They weren't in a language I knew fluently, but I'd heard it enough to be able to recognize it as Russian. The heavy accents gave it away as well. After a couple moments of muffled complaints and struggling, the blindfold was ripped from my head, and I squinted at the bright lights that immediately stood out in my blurred vision. As I adjusted my eyes to my surroundings, one man I heard speaking a couple seconds earlier was speaking again, this time in the language I understood. "Ah, Miss [F/N]", the man spoke, still with a very heavy accent, "You have finally woken up."

The blurs I saw around me started to come together, and soon I was seeing clearly. Around the small, steel room were men in military attire, and as I focused, I started to recognize the symbol printed onto the bandanas tied around their arms.


"No need to worry, my dear, we're not going to torture you or anything of the sort, just sit there and look pretty for us. I'm sure you already know what you're here for, and there's nothing you can do about it, so cooperate and don't try to struggle, and we'll keep it easy for you." I looked up at the one who was speaking to me, a man who was fairy built and wore a nice suit and tie. I tried to speak again, but the gag muffled my words. The man sighed and untied the cloth, taking it off of my mouth and tossing it to the ground.

"You're going to have to tell me why I'm here, then. Bait for the Avengers? Please", I said sarcastically. "They're sort of caught up in something else at the moment. And even if they did come to rescue me, I have a damn good feeling they'd be able to kick your ass and get me out of this filthy place." I said confidently.

The man in the suit chuckled deeply and shook his head. "You've sure got a lot to say." He said, then frowned. "It's incredibly irritating. Besides, wouldn't want you letting them know about the trap when they come get you." He reached down to pick up the cloth that had been used as a gag on me before, and I immediately began to protest. He went behind me and put it over my mouth, tying it tightly behind my head.

I groaned and waited, and a couple minutes later I started to hear gunshots and screams of pain, and my eyes widened. The door to the room I was in was open wide, so anyone going past would be seen and easy to fire at. The man that was with me grinned, leaning down close to me. "They're here." He said into my ear, then stood up straight. The soldiers in the room readied their guns, pointing them at the empty doorway.

For a couple moments, everything was silent. Then, an all-too familiar red, white and blue shield was thrown into the room, knocking down half of the soldiers. The other half of the soldiers started to fire, though no one could be seen in the doorway just yet. One soldier yelled something in Russian and held up a hand, and the gunfire ceased.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2016 ⏰

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