Chapter 12

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Zayn texted you later that day and told you to dress casual. You picked out some ripped Hollister jeans and a black long sleeve shirt. You and Harry barely spoke since this morning, and it wasn't a huge bother, but it did bother you a little bit. It was around the time for your date with Zayn, so you decided to do your hair and makeup. You straightened your hair, swiped some black eyeliner and mascara on your eyes, put on some lip balm, and headed for the door.

Zayn was parked right outside, waiting for you. You didn't bother to tell Harry you were leaving because, frankly, it was none of his business. You walked out to Zayn's car and he got out to open the door for you. What a gentleman...

"Hey babe, you look nice" he said, kissing your cheek.

"Zayn... I'm in jeans and a t-shirt..." you laughed.

"I know babe, but you still look nice" he defended himself.

Zayn shut the door behind you, started the car, and drove off.

"Where are we going Zayn?" You asked him. You saw you were at the beach, but it was way too cold to go swimming.

"It's a bonfire babe. It'll be fun"

"I've never been to one of these..." you trailed off, your eyes glistening with wonder.

"We should probably get going" he said as he pulled a blanket out of the trunk of his car.

As the two of you were heading closer to the fire, you noticed how much older the people there seemed to be. Zayn was older, so of course he hung around with a crowd of older people. This wasn't some high school party. He introduced you to multiple people, some nice, some not, but you didn't really care. You were having the time of your life with Zayn! Everyone was enjoying themselves; laughing, singing, dancing, and partying. Zayn had left to get the two of you drinks when you heard your name called out. You stopped dead in your tracks. That was the one voice you never wanted to hear again, and yet, here he was. Liam.

"Shit, shit, shit!" you whispered as you looked around, trying to find a way to escape. You tried to make a run for it when he called out your name again. He had already seen you.

"No Y/N! Stop!" Liam called after you.

You made a run for it all the way back to Zayn.

"Zayn, we have to go!" you said breathlessly.

"Everything alright Y/N?" Zayn asked sounding concerned.

"Yeah, everything's alright, but we have to go, like, now!" you said, tugging his arm.

Liam finally caught up to you as you were only a few feet away from Zayn's Jeep.

"Can I please talk to you?" Liam asked.

Zayn looked at you, and back at Liam. "Who is this?" he asked sounding genuinely confused.

You sighed. "This is Liam, my EX best-friend."

"Well... I'm gonna go get a drink" Zayn said before abandoning you again. Great.

When Zayn walked away, Liam immediately threw you over his shoulders.

"Liam put me down!" you screamed, pounding on his back. "PUT ME THE FUCK DOWN LIAM!"

He kept walking until you were far enough away from the bonfire to not be able to hear the laughter and the chattering.

"You have every right to be mad at me Y/N, but just give me a few minutes to explain myself. Please" he pleaded.

You sighed. "Fine Liam, 5 minutes and no more than that."

He nodded and then began talking. "I never intended on that happening, okay? That day was really rough and Harry invited me out for drinks with him and his friends. The whole night was a blur Y/N, believe me. I would never do that to you. You know how much you mean to me."

You didn't speak for a few minutes. "Look Liam, I think you should leave..." you trailed off.

"Look Y/N, I moved back to town to make it up to you. Please give me that chance!" he choked out.

"Liam you betrayed me! How am I every supposed to forgive you for that? You have no idea what I've been through because of you! I've been sexually and emotionally tortured because you decided to get hammered and spill all your dirty little secrets! This has been the worst week of my life, and now just because you're back in town, you think that you can come waltzing back into my life, thinking I can forgive you? Is that what you think?" You yelled.

This night was supposed to help you forget everything, but all it had done was make it all so much worse.

"Y/N listen to me!" Liam said. "I'm so incredibly sorry about everything. I know I can't imagine what you've been through, but as your best friend, I'm begging you to give me another chance. When Harry told me that you never wanted to speak to me again, I fucking lost it, but now I'm here trying to apologize the best I can and hoping you'll find it in your heart to forgive me."

"Liam I don't know... You really hurt me" you told him.

"C'mon Y/N! I'll take you to your favorite candy store..." he bribed, knowing that he was winning.

"You got three days to make me forgive you Payne, got it?" you grumbled.

He chuckled and scooped you up so he could bring you back to Zayn. It was getting late and it was time for you to go home.You weren't exactly looking forward to Harry's wrath, but the later you got home, the madder he would be. And when he found out you were with Zayn, let's just say he wasn't going to be so pleased...


I AM SO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE! I'm just so busy right now, but I want you to know that I love you all and I'm really gonna try to update faster because I care about all of you so damn much!

So this week's guess the song winner will receive a dedication on the next chapter. Here's the song:

And I told you to be patient,

And I told you to be fine,

And I told you to be balanced,

And I told you to be kind,

And now all your love is wasted,

Then who the hell was I?

'Cause now I'm breaking at the britches,

And at the end of all your lies.

Who will love you?

Who will fight?

And who will fall far behind?

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