"Yeah, you do have a bad case of it."Liam smirks, laughing loudly whenever Louis hits him on the chest with a pout and a glare."I joke, your breath smells like roses. Just like everything."

"That's better."


Louis follows obediently after the guide, unable to hell his curiosity as he peers into laboratory Windows and stoping to watch as men and woman, Submissives and Dominants of all ages work with chemicals, science equipment and expensive technology that is beyond Louis' wildest dreams. Everything is so new, so shiny and expensive and Louis just wants to play with everything and try it all, no matter if it isn't his department.

Everyone seems to be friendly enough, offering Louis a smile and a little wave at times, greeting him as if they have known him for years and giving him a warm wine that relaxes his nerves. Everything is so different and new, it's a big change for Louis to be going from one university - one that took him 3 years to settle into and with Zayns support - but he'll be okay. He just has to remember to take his medication and just listen to his music if he gets too worked up.

"Louis? Are you listening?"The lady asks, turning to look over at Louis who is watching a Young Dominant mix chemicals through the glass. He can't help but to admire how laid out her work space is, or the fact that she has her own plaque on the door of the lab, with her name and title.

He hopes he gets that

"Hmm? Oh! Sorry, I was just watching, uh, sorry..."Louis trails off, speeding up his walk so he can stand beside the guide once again. She herself was another Dominant, tipping the mistress scale more than anything if you ask Louis, and obviously not use to having a male sub who got so distracted and fidgety.

"Hmm, keep up please."She stresses, eyeing Louis for a second and making the young male shift uncomfortably under her stare as he follows. He's playing with his hands where they are kept in the pocket of his hoodie, or well, Liams hoodie. It grounded him, and also reminded Louis that he had to text Liam every once in a while to reassure that he is well and what he is doing currently.

"I will, sorry, again."Louis finds himself apologising just once more, silencing whenever he gets a look from the Female Dominant. She starts to talk once again, telling Louis of the other scientists that were working in the Pharmacology department and those that Louis might find an interest in partnering up with. Louis listens half heartedly, his eyes trained on the steps as they walk up to a different floor.

" -your laboratory."Louis jumps out of his thoughts for a second time when they come to a halt, looking confused as they stand in front of an empty laboratory, untouched since the moment that it was designed and built and ready to be touched up by decorative hands. Although not massive, it was a good enough space to work in, comfortable.


"This is your Laboratory."The lady repeats herself for Louis' sake, making a show as she dramatically jesters into the room and then to the door. There's a plain sliver plaque situated on the door, able to slide out from its hold and ready to be engraved with Louis' name and preferred title."It does need a little but focused up, cleaned from dust and spiders webs, but I'm sure you are capable of doing such tasks as that, Mr Tomlinson."

"I-I get my own lab?"He almost gasps in shock, taking baby steps into the lab with wide blue eyes behind the lenses of his glasses, looking at the space available in awe.

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