But the most beautiful thing of all were the horses tied to the pillars. There were dappled, sun kissed golden, chestnuts and bays. But there were two horses that caught his eye. One pure black and the other pure white. A sudden burst powerful emotions rose up in his chest. After a few seconds of fighting against them he let them engulf him and tears sprang into his eyes.

He rushed up to the black horse and wrapped his arm around its neck, feeling its soft velvety touch against his arms, neck, cheek and chest. Smelling the oh-so-familiar smell of grass and salt.

"I thought you were dead..." he whispered in Narmer's ear. As if in response his stallion nickered and nuzzled the back of Ahkmenrah's back. He felt another velvety touch at his shoulder, he looked up to see Kahmunrah's white mare Nefertiti looking at him with sad eyes. She whinnied softly as if enquiring about Kahmunrah's health. Through his ecstatic tears he smiled and stroked the horse's noble forehead. "Kahmun would be so happy to see you."

Then he turned to Sabra who was smiling warmly at the heart-wrenching spectacle before her.

"I thought they were dead...I thought..." he couldn't continue any further, as something seemed to clasp at his throat closing it shut. He wiped away his tears feeling slightly foolish but then he tried again "How did this come to be?"

"If you refer to the structure, all I know is that your father built it a long time ago. Not many people know of it, but Khufu tells me it was for the safety and resistance of the Egyptians. This was most likely built to store cavalry or something of the likes. As for the horses, they were freed from the stables on the very day you were all saved. As for Narmer and Nefertiti I believe their story will never be known for we found the skirting the old battlefield only yesterday."

Ahkmenrah stood transfixed. How did father build this without anyone else knowing? How did Khufu know? What else could his father be hiding?

She gave him a warm smile. "There's no point in asking how you feel, you're crying."

He hastily wiped away his tears. "Sorry I get emotional at times..."

"I know you do. And trust me even the strongest men cry."

"You don't cry."

"You're either blind or dumb. I'm a woman."

"That you are."

Sabra gave him a studious look before pointing to his face "You've got something on your face."


"Near your eye."

"Oh!" he proceeded to feeling around his left eye.

"No other eye...higher...higher...lower...no...look I'll do it."

With that she came closer, their bodies almost touching. At this distance he could almost feel her breath. He could almost feel the rest. He mused how only clothes upon clothes ever really separated them. How they ever really separated him from her.

She reached out with her hand towards his right eye. A shiver an through his body as their skin made contact, slowly her thumb pressed against the corner of his eye and in two circular motions from her thumb she managed to wipe off bits of horse spit and grass. Ahkmenrah savored every moment of it, thinking if only that much could cause exhilaration how much could a kiss, loving caress or making love do to him?

He had heard Kahmunrah describe many of his womanizing escapades but he doubted any of them could amount how much sensuality seemed to be in that one touch Sabra and he shared.

"I should go." She said. "I'll leave you with horses then."

"I'll see you later then?"

"I'll see you later."

Once she left and he was all alone he felt something stir within the cracks and crevice of the magnificent structure. It was that feeling, that filled him with dread but also power.

Could this be the workings of the Tablet? If so...how?


Ammon felt relief. Thank the gods for Tchanun and his nifty fingers. He could steal like shadow, unknown and unseen. Thanks to him, they had enough food to sleep with full stomachs. As golden roses were lain upon the horizon by the gods waiting for Ra's ascent, the soldier's gruff voices could be heard. There was the sweet sound of discord, but despite this he knew that this sweetness was short lived but worth it.

The discord came to an end.

"Get up! You filthy motherf***ing (A/N: This is a swear word in every language) Jackals of Egypt!" one soldier cried. "Get up and stand in a line."

All nine men bone thin but satisfied emerged with particular military discipline. Not a smile nor a frown. Everything about this was precise.

"Which one of you bastards stole from us last night? Tell us or I kill you all."

No one muscle moved. Not one man made a sound. Ammon could imagine that Tchanun was mortally terrified and torn between his life and those of his comrades.

The Sumerian soldier fingered the sword at his waist and this brought Ammon to his senses. He stepped forward and in a loud clear voice he said:

"I did it!"

There was a deathly silence and Tchanun's eyes met Ammons, so full of regret and woe they were that Ammon felt sorry. But he stood by what he said. He didn't want the Sumerian soldiers to kill all his comrades off in one go. He wanted them to know they would survive at all costs of even if it meant his own death.

The quickly bound him and blindfolded him.

"We stay here for three days." Said the Sumerian soldier. "No food and water for him. Three days."

The Sumerian men quickly took out a few spears and poison.


Hey! Long time no see! How was the chapter?

Have we learnt anything new. I feel as if my fine intricate story is coming together piece by piece, chapter by chapter. Please remember to vote and comment. Also check out my story on TheWritingAngels as we have enters it in the Wattys 2016.

Cya soon. :D

Ahkmenrah: The Fourth King of the Fourth KingsWhere stories live. Discover now