Public Review

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Since I was the first and so far only citizen, reporter or otherwise, to interact with Jade Turtle I feel like it would be best to record my first impressions and what not in a blog post for others to see. My interview with him is now publicly available but this would be good to read too. I've got a few thoughts to share of the new super on the block.

I would say overwhelmingly the interaction was positive, which didn't surprise me much. Sure he was annoying me for a while there but he seemed to be doing it on purpose, and when I watched the interview back later it was pretty clear that he was just messing around. I caught on quick that he was uncomfortable doing an interview but he went ahead with it anyways which is something I thought was cool. I guess he knew being a superhero getting away from press was going to be pretty hard, and he also was already aware of who I was and what my intentions were. As I mentioned in another post Ladybug mentioned me specifically to Jade Turtle beforehand.

Right off the bat he was reserved and uneasy but the more we talked the more he loosened up. He was comfortable enough to mess around and tease me a bit, and surprisingly it felt pretty natural. I'd say that was the most surprising thing about him. He was very easy to talk to. I don't know if that's because he's new or what, but I'll admit I had been a bit star struck at first. I mean, it's a new superhero. However the more we talked I was eventually about as relaxed as he was. I'd say that's my main take away, he is really approachable. Even as he gets more adjusted and is in the public eye a lot more I can really easily see him being the most approachable of the three heroes. Now that isn't to say the other two aren't, no way, what I mean is that he isn't quite as intimidating. I've had loads of people send me messages saying they had an opportunity to talk to Ladybug and Cat Noir but were too nervous to. This isn't really something I can see being true for Jade. Ladybug and Cat Noir always have been and always will be heroes of the people, but I anticipate Jade Turtle having a special and slightly different connection with the people of Paris, however that's just my guess. I know I felt comfortable enough to tease him back and even give him a hard time fairly soon after meeting him. I know I handle social things different then a lot of people though, so I'll leave further speculations up to you guys.

So in conclusion I'd say that Jade came off as a very natural and humble guy who took his responsibilities very seriously but also was willing to have fun with it. I'd say, in all honesty, if you are looking for a better image of how Jade is just imagine a fusion between the behaviors and ideals of Ladybug and Cat Noir. He's committed and trustworthy like them both, aware of his responsibilities to the city and his interactions with the people like Ladybug but also willing to crack jokes, have fun, and flirt like Cat Noir. Haha, that's something worth mentioning too, watch out ladies. Cat Noir isn't the only hero with a penchant for compliments and dashing smiles.

So that's my take away from the new guy. He's humble, approachable, friendly, flirty and a little lame, but in a good way. He's the sort of guy it would be easy to be friends with, even if he did drive you up a wall sometimes just for a laugh. I hope I get to meet him again sometime soon.

Until next time!

Nino read over Alya's blog post with a slightly red face as he waited for Adrien in front of the school before class started. When he looked up pretty much everyone had their phone out, talking about Alya's latest updates. Everyone was blown away that she had gotten so much information one on one, even local news channels were running her interview with him in place of any official ones.

It seemed good, everyone's reactions were positive and the city seemed excited to have him on board which was kind of... crazy. And awesome. He was pretty happy with it to be honest, she had essentially given him a glowing review, but it was one aspect in particular that was making him want to hide behind something.

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