Levi is Interested

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After what felt like hours we got out and we all departed to our rooms except for Levi who followed me up until I got to my room.

"Goodnight Levi."



"I would like to thank you."

"Oh...umm. Your welcome."

I smiled and he still wore a frown, "Are you okay, do you need some medication, do you have a headache."

"What? You have medication for that?"

"Yeah, c'mon I'll get you some."

I went into the kitchen and got the meds and he took them quickly and I went to my entertainment room and he followed me again. I hooked up my Kinect to my 100 in. HDTV and turned on a Dance game. He looked totally confused.

"I just need to unwind, don't judge me."

He lifts up his hands and sits on the couch, "I didn't say anything."

I turn on Gangnam Style and start dancing and I'm having fun exercising my muscles this way. I turn to Levi and I start signing to the song.


He looks away and I chuckle. Once the song ends I hook up the PS4 and turn on The Last Of Us. I obviously start crying when Joel's daughter dies and Levi nudges me.

"Why do you play this if it makes you sad?"

I wipe my tears, "Because its a badass game, I've beaten it before."

"Then why suffer through it again?"

"It-It's just.. It has a great story, and the graphics are amazing as well. Naughty Dog has never disappointed me."

Levi gets closer and smack my controller and take my hands, "Hey that was my control."

"I don't care, who or whatever this Naughty Dog or whatever is, they have no right to make you feel so sad."

I couldn't help but smile, "Its really alright, that is why I am so attached to games, the story keeps you in, the fun, the anger, the heartfelt moments, the adventure."

"But you already live an adventure, would you want that world to be in this one?"

"Hell no, I HATE CLICKERS!!! AGG! They are creepy as shit!"

"Hey hey easy [F/N], don't get so worked up."

I get up and grab my controller to play some more and he looks to be more freaked out about the clickers than I am.

"SHIT [F/N], Why do you play this shit, that would keep me up at night."

I play for a bit longer until I get tired and turn it off, Levi was still here with me.

"Sorry if I kept you up."

"No, its fine. I enjoyed myself, I learned a lot from you and about you today. Thank you."

I felt my face get red, "Y-yeah, no problem."

Thing were silent and Levi spoke, "Would you care for me to walk you to your room?"

"Sure Levi."

We started to walk and he says, "So what do you think of us, Do you think we deserve to be saved?"

I look at him, "Of course, some are good and some are evil but well will all be judged in the end, so until then I will save as many as I can."

We reached my room and we stop, "Thanks Levi, I really don't get to talk much and I had fun talking gamer with you as well."

"Yeah but seriously, don't let a game get to you so much, at least get me when you start to play a game next time. I would like to be there if you need anyone to talk/cry/rant to."

I blush a bit more, "Y-Yeah sounds like a plan."

"Maybe next time we can talk more and get to know each other a little better."

"Sure... I'd like that."

He smiles shocking me, "Have a good night [F/N]."

"You do the same Levi."

With that I went to my room and closed the door....'should I open it back...I want to talk more...I wanted to kiss his soft looking lips...I'

I blush when I hear a knock. I open it quickly and I'm practically tackled to the wall, engulfed in a passionate kiss, My eyes open and see the silver eyes and raven hair. He takes my hand and holds it while the other runs through my hair. He breaks the kiss and we both pant.

"I wanted to do that so I could make myself clear. I would like for you to come to me with your problems or for anything. I want to be there for you....and maybe you..... could be there for me when I want someone to talk to?"

I blush, "Of-Of course Levi, whenever you need me, and ill be sure to get you the next time I play a game." I smile a bit about how worked up he got over the game.

He looks into my eyes and kisses me again, "Goodnight [F/N], see you in the morning."

"Night Levi."

I close the door and blushed mad before going to my bed and falling asleep soon after.

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