The people I wish we could be

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And as we started to talk more and more all I could think about was him. He started to make his way into my dreams and my prayers and my writing. When I daydream it's him. The life I saw myself living and he was always a part of it. I could let my mind wander if I was talking to him or even just thinking of him. I thought about Autumn and how I'd be at the pumpkin patch with my family like every year and there he'd be. Helping me carry my pumpkin because I always loved to have the largest one but my petite body couldn't hold it. Or when Thanksgiving rolled around and my family gathered at the table to eat. He'd grab my hand as my father prayed and I'd peek my eyes open, only to find him smiling at me with pure adoration in his eyes. Then when Christmas time was here, I'd be packing my things to go away with him. Smiling at every outfit I planned because that's just the type of person I am. Laughing because I knew someone would make fun of the amount of clothing I packed for the short period of time we'd be away but how he would find it cute that I packed too much. How I hate the cold but for some reason being with him made me feel warm and joyful. Then Spring would come and it would be my birthday. He'd come to my house with Chick-Fil-A and a tub of chocolate ice cream. We'd watch my favorite movie and just lay on the couch. But it was only summer and I realized that there was no use in putting so much of my heart into things I was only imagining in my head. So I smiled and pretended to be the girl who doesn't dream and hope that you're that person she can spend that kind of time on.

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