January 25, 1489

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The men have left looking for something called the Apple of Eden. Father wants me not to worry about it and will not let me worry. He keeps me busy to keep my mind off of it.  While he was out I managed to sneak in a use of the hidden blade left for him to fix and since I finished I thought it was a worthy award since I worked so diligently to repair it for one of the assassins.  If he ever found out I did anything of the sort he'd have my head. He never wanted me growing up so close to the weapons of these killers. Papa says they aren't all bad, but he also has never heard the things they say when he turns his back, I wait on them hand and foot while he paints with his dear Salai.  He loves Salai, maybe more than he could ever love me. It won't be much longer that I have to deal with this. I've decided to run away with a band of Gypsies (Zingari)The way I will achieve my escape is simple, but he will never know. He is so forgetful sometimes he forgets I'm even around, but that will also be put to a stop when I run away. My plan is to run away to Venice on horse back. The travelers have told me there is a band of Zingari there. My skin is dark enough they will mistake me for one of them, and I can board the ship. Once on board I will learn Turco slowly and by the time we reach the Byzantine empire, I will be fluent in it. I will learn the gypsy way and become one of them. until I can make a life for myself there. 


My last night home, and at supper all I heard were things about Salai. He does not see how much it bothers me. Maybe he will see it when I am completely gone. Hopefully,  then he will see that he pushed his only child away. Now I believe it is due time to tell how I plan on starting life in this strange land. I hope to sell sketches and work for churches or synagogues from what I've studied is what they have there. Most of the people are Muslim which will also be strange to me considering Italy is predominantly Catholic. My hope in the Byzantine is to find a husband. Papa won't even let me leave the shop much less even speak to a man that wasn't him. I do fear I will grow lonely in my new home. I hope the Zingari life will not be to hard on me. Though I do not fear it. I do believe some of the things they do are wrong. Here I wish to claim my freedom even if only from my father. While Papa is sleeping I have begun to gather my things slowly and put them in the carriage with the machine. Maybe I will not be chased out of Florence as I have seen happen before. The place I am going is far away and I have barely been out of the front  door. I fear what is to come, but every step I take is a new adventure. Each step means I've lived a little longer and feared a little less. As I have been told each moment is a gift. The time has come to bring myself to sleep when the excitement builds with each breath. I am prepared for the fear, pain, and suffering that comes with the prospect of a new home and I am ready to face that fear and live my life as I am called to do.

Diary of a PainterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ