The Assignment

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*4 years later*

"Moon...Moon, are you ok"

I look away from the place I had been staring at for a while and turned to my brother.I give him a nod to insure him that I am fine.

"As I was saying, Dogma wants you in the meeting room," he says with a smile. I start walking away but turn and nod my head downwards almost in a small bow to show him thanks.

I walked down the long halls until I eventually ended up at the meeting room. As soon as I opened the door I saw Dogma sitting in the far chair at the end of the table. His face looked almost gloomy.

"Sit," his voice said without the slightest waver.

I sit in the chair next to him and waited for him to say something. I noticed there was a stack of papers in front of him on the table.

He flips through a couple of the papers and then stops and looks at me with a straight face.

"As you know your level of training and expertise exceeds far beyond anyone of your age," he said almost like it was obvious.

"That's why I chose you for this assignment." He pushed the papers toward me.

When I read the paper the only word that made out to me was the word "undercover" and "California"

"Assignment?" I said with confusion.

"You are going to be living an average  life with normal kids," he says with understanding.

"Normal?" I'm not usually this confused but I have no clue what he is talking about. I know that we are not normal, I'm not that clueless, I just don't know why he is telling me about this stuff. Am I getting a mission?

"You are going to be going undercover at a highschool."

"Am I getting a mission?" I ask with a slight smile.

"Yes," he said not surprised by my confusuon.

"You leave in two days, go pack.".

I get up and leave in silence while thinking about my new assignment. I am so excited to go on my very first mission.

I will go to my brother and tell him the amazing news. I go to where I last saw him and he was still there waiting for me to get back.


"Aren't you excited to see me?" He asked with a big grin as if he actually believes I'm this happy to see him.

"Seriously guess what!"

"Ok, what is it?"

"I've been assigned a mission!!!" I say really fast and excitedly.

"What... look at my little sister growing up so fast," he pulls me in with one arm and swiftly put me in a head lock while rubbing his knuckles  right on top of my head.

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