Episode 14- Where is it? WHERE IS IT?!?!?!

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Lakitu: Last time, competitors went to Bowser's Prison, where they competed in a pretty confusing challenge. In the end, Team Mushroom lost, and Yoshi was voted off, on Total, Drama, Mushroom Tour!

*intro song*

On the plane:
Lakitu: Hello. Today, we won't be showing scenes from the plane, cause we're running a little late. Oops, hehe. So, CHALLENGE TIME! Everyone off the plane!

Luigi: What is it?
Daisy: Don't you know Luigi? This is Sunshine Airport!
Luigi: You mean the Mario Kart 8 track we race in?
Peach: Yeah!
Luigi: Oh!

Lakitu: Now, the first part of the challenge is to look through all of these luggage a on this moving conveyor belt. Look through each one till you find a wooden carving of yourself. Once you have done so, run over here to me, and show me your statue. Once every member on their team has found their statue, they win the first part and get a BIG lead in the second part! So, Team Blitz kinda has an advantage in this part, cause they only have three people.

Shy Guy: Yes!
Goomba: Yay!

Lakitu: Ready, set, GO!!

Bowser: Look look look! Go! We have to win!
Goomba: I'm trying!

Daisy and Shy Guy: FOUND MINE!
Goomba: I found... Luigi's!
Bowser: Gimme that for a sec.
Goomba: *hands statue to Bowser*
Bowser: *hides Luigi statue in the back of suitcase*

Lakitu: Congrats Shy Guy and Daisy, you have made it! Please stand right next to me over here. And, Rosalina too! AND Peach! Team Mushroom is on a role! Rosalina and Peach, please stand over here.
Rosalina and Peach: Ok!

Bowser: Grrr... Hey, I found Goomba's! Here, run!
Goomba: Ok!

Bowser: *laughs*

Lemmy: Woah! We're losing? We really need to-
Morton: Hey, I found two in the same suitcase!
Larry: No, Three!
Roy: Who is it?
Morton: Lemmy, Larry, and Me!
Lemmy: They are all on our team!
Morton: Awesome! Now just Roy needs to find his..
Roy: Don't worry, it'll eventually come up. Now go!

Lakitu: Now, three of the Koopa's have made it. Let's show who is still looking for theirs:

Team Koopa: Roy
Team Blitz: Bowser
Team Mushroom: Luigi and Toadette
This is gonna be clos-

Toadette: YES! I FOUND.. Luigi's!
Luigi: Finally! *runs*

Lakitu: Luigi has made it! This is so close!
Roy, Toadette, and Bowser all at the same time: FOUND MINE!

Bowser: Wait... No, I have Roy's.
Roy: Hold on... No, I have Bowser's!
Bowser: Give mine back!
Roy: You first!
Bowser: No, you!
Roy: You!

Lemmy: Roy, stop arguing! Toadette is almost at the fin-
Lakitu: Team Mushroom wins Part 1!
Team Mushroom: *cheers*
Shy Guy: Bowser!
Goomba: You should have gave him his statue...
Bowser: *sighs* Sorry...

Lakitu: Now, the next part of the challenge is simple. Each team will be assigned a plane. Then, they will have to look through every part of the plane until they find a golden key. Once you have done so, get off your plane, and run back to our plane. Use your key to unlock the door of our plane, and go inside of it. Once you have done so, you win! Last team there will send someone home?

Peach: But what is our advantage?
Lakitu: Team Mushroom gets a MUCH smaller plane.
Daisy: Awesome!
Toadette: Yay!
Luigi: Cool!
Peach: Yes!
Rosalina: Woo!

Lakitu: Ready, set... Start!

Everyone: *goes inside plane*

Bowser: Well, there are only three of us, and this is a pretty big plane. Goomba, you should go check the cockpit and flight attendant's quarters. I'll check first and economy class, and Shy Guy will check the kitchen, which is the biggest of them all. Go!

Peach: Hmmm... This is tiny! Ok, let's split up. How about: Luigi checks the cockpit, Daisy checks the kitchen, Toadette and Rosalina check the bathroom, and I'll check first class.
Luigi: Fine with me.
Toadette: Whatever...
Daisy: Ok!
Rosalina: Let's go!

Lemmy: We should all just go together and look.
Morton: Ok.
Roy: Fine with me.
Larry: Let's check the cockpit first.

Lakitu: All three teams have began searching!

Toadette: Wow, this is a nice bathroom!
Rosalina: *laughs*
Toadette: What?
Rosalina: *holds up Golden Key*
Toadette: Guys! Rosalina found the key!
Peach: Great! Let's go!

Goomba: ARGH!! Still no sign of the key!
Shy Guy: *gasps* Could this be it? In the trash can?
Bowser: *rushes over* YES! GO!

Team Mushroom: *uses key*
Peach: Yes! We are first In!
Lakitu: Oh, hello Team Mushroom! As your prize, we have some special guests for you!
Toadette: Huh?
Rosalina: Well this is very odd.
Lakitu: Come in, guests!

Lemmy, Larry, Roy, Morton: *walks in*
Lakitu: Ooooh... Sorry Team Mushroom, but you were beaten!
Peach: No!
Daisy: GRR...
Shy Guy: *uses key* Yes! We're here! And we came in... 3rd....

Lakitu: It's voting time!

In the elimination room:
Lakitu: Wow, this is... Exciting... Hehe. But seriously, this is your SIXTH time here. That's crazy! *laughs*
Bowser: It's not funny!
Lakitu: Fine, whatever. Cast your votes on a fellow camper!

After votes have been casted:

Lakitu: Votes will now be viewed on TV!

Off Topic:
Hey guys, YoshiMaster41 here! From now until the end of this book, I'll be adding this video you can play while reading the votes for a little extra suspense. Once you hit Play, you simply press the button on the bottom right with the two boxes and an arrow. After that, click the X on the top left corner, then keep reading. Enjoy!

On TV:

Bowser: *harshly* I vote.. SHY GUY!
Shy Guy: I vote... Bowser!

Lakitu: *pauses TV* Here you go. *throws bag to Goomba* so that means Goomba's vote was the deciding vote. The last bag of Mushrooms goes to...

Shy Guy.

(To viewers: Stop your video now.)

Bowser: No! Why did you vote me off, Goomba? I helped you with your statue! Grrr..
Goomba: You're kinda always yelling... And you're also bossy...
Shy Guy: Yeah... We just felt like you didn't deserve the win more then we did. Next time, try to be a little nicer.
Bowser: Rude! Why, I'm gonna-
Lakitu: Here is your parachute!
Bowser: *sighs* *takes parachute* Bye. *jumps out of plane* AHHHHHHHHH!!!

Lakitu: Well, that leaves two members left on Team Blitz! Can they survive? Find out next time, on Total, Drama, Mushroom Tour!

Authors Note: Hey guys! Today is very exciting because we have reached the halfway mark! Yay! 🎉🎉🎉 Anyway, I hope you enjoy my book so far! Please tell me how the suspense thing is working out. Thanks! Also, sorry for no picture... Something went wrong with my collage app. Sorry.

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