Chapter 33: The Twelfth And Final Year

Start from the beginning

"What's wrong now? You just informed my ex-boyfriend that we've had sex," I say angrily,

"No I didn't,"

"You so did just to make him jealous,"

"Okay maybe a little, but the dick shouldn't have been listening in on our fight," Adam says, which is true

"Okay whatever I'll see you at lunch," I say and then walk into the class and take a seat. At lunch I sit with Adam and his friends I turn around and see Sarah and Jess they start making funny faces to me and I laugh,

"Is something funny?" Someone whose name has slipped my mind asks, Adam looks at me warning me, something must be serious.

"No, not at all," I say and then turn back to my friends who are doing it again I do the same,

"Riley would you like to go sit with your friends?" Adam asks, I turn and look at him,

"No it's fine I'm good here," I say

"Really?" He asks,

"Actually I feel really awkward," I say,

"Go I'll see you at the end of the day," he says

"Oh my god thank you," I say

"Riley!" He gasps

"What?" I ask, "So I guess this means no goodbye kiss?" He glares at me and I collect my stuff and leave, "You guys are idiots," I gasp giggling when I arrive at the table,

"Hey!" Joe shouts,

"Oh shit not you guys too?" I say

"Seriously Riley!" Joe screams, I look confusedly at Sarah,

"We're trying not to swear because of the baby, which isn't even born yet," she looks at Joe,

"Sorry but we better start early," Joe says holding up his hands. I find Adam at the end of the day who looks mad at me,

"Hey what's wrong?" I ask running my hand down his arm,

"I don't know maybe Kesha had a lot of really serious stuff to talk about," Adam says

"Kesha! That was her name,"

"Riley you don't even care about me and my friends," Adam says

"It was the first day of school your my supposed to be depressed and down," I say

"Get in the truck Riley," he says

"Okay fine," I say getting in and staying quiet he stops at the end of my driveway, "Where are you going?" I ask

"If you would've been at our lunch can table paying attention you would've been invited too," he says

"Oh come on Adam," I say

"My friends are trying really hard to like you Riley and your making it impossible," he says

"They're trying really hard? That's bullshit," I say

"They are don't make fun of them!" He shouts

"I'm not!" I scream, "You can go have fun with your Debby downer friends instead of hanging with your girlfriend! Fine by me!" I slam the truck door and trudge up the driveway to the backyard hate where Bentley is waiting for his after school run, "Oh and I guess that means no aged school run today!" I scream to Adam whose probably not even there anymore. I rush up the stairs, and throw my stuff onto my bed, "That looks rough," Alec says

"Don't you even start you dick!" I scream, "How did that even open?!" I scream again and slam my window and close my curtains. I crash to the floor and start balling some first day at school, huh? I need to apologize to him I really do, one of his lame friends has a late bus maybe he's still there I sprint with Bentley's leash in my hand to the school and luckily I see him standing there, "Hey!" I shout as the bus arrives, "Hey Peter!" Was his name Peter? Whatever his name is he looked up from his phone, "Peter is it?" I ask him,

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