❣ Friends? ❣

884 29 62

Chapter 5


Addictions can be life-altering. Smoking, cocaine, alcohol. Some addictions can ruin your life. Some, though, I'd like to think don't. In moderation, some addictions are absolutely fine.

Example? Kaneki's hair.

He fell asleep moments ago, but still I'm running my fingers through his hair. Each strand is soft, silky, and I'm worried my craving won't be satisfied until I have touched each and every strand. Will that even be enough? God I'm lame.

My thoughts darken. His hair is beautiful, but I also know I'm using this as an anchor. To help me keep my mind off Crowe and his sordid, disgusting, repugnant actions that make me want to slit his throat.

I can't believe he...he...

I instead steer my thoughts to Kaneki. How he was pressed against the wall with eyes wide like a child's. God…his gaze was so broken. Not even after his most horrible nightmares has he ever looked that pained, that vulnerable. When I'd seen him I didn't even stop to think, I just attacked the first and most potent threat Kaneki was faced with.

I close my eyes. Not in all my training as a ghoul investigator, saving people, protecting children, have I ever felt such a protective instinct surge through me like it did tonight. Every nerve ending in my body was screaming to HELP HIM. And if I had gotten there just a moment later…just a barely little bit…

Fuck, no…stop thinking about this, stop thinking about this. I squeeze Kaneki's body tighter to my own, and I focus on his white hair. I admire his soft facial features, and I look for signs of an impending nightmare. Right now he looks so…at peace. I smile. I'm so fucking glad.

It's not even light's out yet and I can feel myself getting drowsy. I'm so tired, I'm so comfortable. I sigh in contentment before falling into unconsciousness.


"You saved me."

Upon awakening that was the first thing I heard. Kaneki's voice rings in my ears, and I open my eyes to see him staring at the wall. He's lying beside me with one arm draped over my stomach.

"And I'd do it again." But god I hope it never comes to that. If it happened again I have a feeling I would do something horrible.

I see Kaneki squeeze his eyes tightly. "I feel like such a fool..." It seems like he's talking more to himself than to me.

I poke his cheek hard. "Don't." He opens his eyes and looks at me. "Don't do that. Don't you dare." I will scream if he blames himself for this. If he thinks he's weak because of this.

He nods, a sad smile on his features. "You're right. Sorry."

"Damn straight."

His smile becomes more genuine at that. His gaze travels downward and he takes my hand in his. He observes the appendage. "You have dried blood on your hand. You should go to the clinic."

I look at my hand, confused. That was the hand I punched the wall with; I had completely forgotten about that. "It barely hurts. I'm fine."

"Looking at your blood makes me want to eat you."

I blink. It takes a second to sink in. Oh...OH...

Kaneki's muffled laugh registers in my ears and for a second I'm confused. Then I realize he was fucking with me. Kaneki...made a joke. I take the pillow we're sharing and hit him with it.

His laughter is no longer muffled. It's the first time I've ever heard it.

It's beautiful.

After Crowe, after everything, today marks the day I'll never forget. The day everything changed for the better.

❣ His Glistening Gray Eyes ❣  //amoneki//Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon