"Oh, God!" I cried out loud, pushing my big brown locks behind my shoulders as I straightened out my flowy white dress, smoothening the ends out especially the bit near my knees. "Is this dress too simple? Would he even like it? My red pumps are fine but my dress! Oh, dear God!"

My dress was cute, but it was a totally simple one. Long sleeved, translucent ones that were loose that reached my wrist and connected to fitting cuffs; my dress was like two pieces of cloth that were attached to it's other. A silky opaque one on the inside that reached slightly over my butt, hugging my figure perfectly and another translucent one right over the inner piece, loose and flowy.

And then my lavender-colored bikini was beneath, murdering me for finally wearing it after leaving it lifeless in my closet for nearly a year. It was too tight at the beginning, and I was too fat to wear that thing that I just left it. And wore an actual swimsuit. . . it was an embarrassing phase. I'm just glad I forced myself to work out for some damn difference. It fits now.

But. The. Dress!

"Beth," Jeremy's amused voice interrupted my moment of mess, causing me to gasp loudly as I turned to him quickly. "Beth, relax. I heard everything right at the other side of the door and I know my son would love the way you're dressed. It's simple and you look gorgeous, and I'm saying this on Justin's behalf, and he's already here, so breathe!" And with a loud laugh, he pulled the door back to a close, leaving me gaping.

Justin's here? Already? I am so dead. I am so dead. I can't breathe. I can't move.

"Beth?" A soft voice called out by the door as it slowly opened. "Sweetheart, is everything alright?" Pattie peeked a head inside, smiling gently at me as I sucked in a deep breath, blinking about a million times in a second at her.

"Pattie, I can't do this, I'm so nervous, you don't understand," I began rambling, not even realizing that she had stepped back out and replaced her previous position with my date who was stumbling and uncertain on his spot as he finally faced me; a small smile fixated on his face as he scanned me down from my face.

I stood completely frozen on my spot.

From the outside, apart from my anxious self, I could hear Pattie and Jeremy talking and I kind of zoomed in on that, trying to put myself at ease. . . trying to put myself off some misery from my stupid insecurities.

Pattie: "Jeremy, did you pull Justin in? Why are you closing the door? Jeremy—"

Jeremy: "Pattie, let's not interfere. Beth needs this. . . the more so our son."

Pattie: "But he's a boy and she's a girl, and, they're currently in the bathroom together! What if—"

Jeremy: "Pattie, they're almost adults now. Let's just trust them to be sensible enough. . . Justin isn't nine anymore, we gotta let go even if it's hard."

And when I didn't hear anymore, my heart was back to normal. It wasn't dying or anything, it kind of clenched tightly once, before it went back being like its usual self. . . I wished I could understand the pain Pattie and Jeremy felt; watching their son grow up and handle adult matters. . . must be really hard.

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