Chapter Fourteen

Depuis le début

"Do you want me to wait in the car?" I replied, watching his eyebrows slant down as he opened the door.

"No, come on, she'll want to meet you."

We got out of the Ford and walked up the winding pathway to the big sliding doors of the bus station. Just as we were about to step through the doorway, he stopped me with a gentle hand. "I just want to give you a head up on something. Not that you're the type of person to judge people, but I feel I have to tell you that Eden sustained a severe injury to her face last year."

"What kind of injury?"

Joshua peered off in front of us to check no one was there. "A bomb went off, and she was in the firing line. It's the right side of her face that took the brunt, and she's had plastic surgery since, but she's self-conscious of people judging her for it."

"I won't make anything of it, I promise."

He tenderly stroked my shoulder. "I just wanted to pre-warn you."

A sedated voice let us know that Bus 23 had arrived, and Joshua pulled me in the coach's direction that was pulling up. We waited patiently near the side of the road while several passengers got off.

Joshua lit up, and his arm reached up to wave at the petite blonde haired woman who was walking towards us. There was a huge eye patch covering her right eye, peeking around the edges of her sunglasses.

"Eden!" He let go of me to head in her direction and pull her into a hug. "It's good to see you."

She grinned and the long scar running along her cheek expanded. "You too, big guy! It's been too long, hasn't it?"

"Yeah. I should have visited as soon as I got out," he replied.

She shook her head. "You had far too much going on. It's fine."

"Not an excuse for a Ground Pounder. We have loyalties," he said, shrugging his shoulders.

Ground—what now?

"Oh, shut it, you grunt." Eden laughed, slapping his shoulder so hard that I couldn't hide my wince.

Joshua's snicker was so carefree, I don't think he even registered the pain. "Man, I missed you, dude."

I must have looked like a deer caught in the headlights when Eden turned to me. "Hey, there. I'm Eden."

Joshua nudged my side to get me to talk. "Nice to meet you. Call me, Tabby."

"Good to meet you, Tabby. Keeping this big guy in check?" she replied, letting Joshua take her big bag from her arm.

I laughed. "Something like that."

Joshua threw me a subtle wink as he led us to the car, causing Eden to stride after him, all the while shaking her head good-naturedly.

There was just something about her. Something good, calming even. I took an instant liking to her in the few minutes of meeting her, and I knew she would be a good time when you got to know her better.

"You going to show me around the place you call home then?" Eden said when Joshua was putting her bag in the boot of the car.

"Sure," he replied, turning with his arm resting on the back light. "Where did you have in mind?"

She fiddled with her sunglasses when a couple of people walked past us. "I didn't have anywhere in mind. Thought you could come up with something."

I could see something tormenting whirling around in Joshua's eyes for a second. "I don't usually enjoy mixing with the public."

She tilted her head. "You don't, huh?"

My Lost Hero (Angels of War Series #1) REWRITING 2024Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant