The Witches

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Before you start reading, here are some quick clarifications:
Fain=ordinary humans

  The world is cruel. I've never been a bright person, but this I know for sure. Unrelenting, torturous, wicked, brutal, sadistic. Some of the many words one could use to describe it. When you're in a tight spot, thinking life can't possibly get worse, everything somehow does. That's how it's always been during my time on this earth. Of course, there are some times when I haven't been hating the world for forsaking me. Example? That one time many years ago when my beloved brother Shinya would sit next to me when I was down, no matter what. Although nowadays, ever since I turned the age twelve, my world has been constantly bathed in the darkness of this unfair world. Ever since I was taken from them.


  Staring in the mirror, I observe my eyes. Emerald green, but with something darker lurking underneath. 8 years old I was living with Gran in her rickety old cottage out in the forest, away from most of civilization. Shinya, Krul and Akane were the only other beings who live out here with us other than the clucking chickens.

   Why do we distance ourselves? To keep me away from others. Ugly old me. Yuichiro Hyakuya. The half code. In this world, there are three main races. Fain, white witches and black witches. White witches and black witches are always at each other's throats. The fain? They are oblivious to our existence. Going about their daily lives not knowing there are witches mixed into their society.

  To sum it up, the white and black witches kill each other off without ever even trying to settle their differences. They just naturally despise each other.

  So, let's say a white witch and a black witch fall in love. Well, either that or someone is raped. Make a baby. Can you guess what happens? I know what happens. You get a mistake. An abomination. A blemish in the world. I just so happened to be unfortunate enough to be a child between a white witch and a black witch.

  "Yuichiro! What's taking you so long in there? Trying to fix yourself up for a girl?" Calls Shinya, impatient at having to wait. He says that but we both know there are no other girls for miles other than my sisters and Gran. I unlock the door but do not step out of the bathroom. Shinya wanders in, grabbing his toothbrush and squeezing a line of mint toothpaste onto the bristles. He must preparing to go to bed. I look out the window. When did it get so dark?

  "Geez," Shinya mumbles through the foam forming from the toothpaste, "you've been in here forever," he complains, smiling the smile that always comes oh so easily to his lips.

  "Have I?" I answer, still looking deep into my eyes through the mirror. I glance to my left and peer into Shinya's cheery blue eyes, so full of kindness. I can see glints of silver in them. They slowly twist and turn, tumbling endlessly in his irises.

  In all of the eyes of white witches I've seen, I can see glints. Not always silver but they're still there, shimmering in the witches eyes. I've told Gran and Akane about the glints but they say they don't see them. Apparently the ability to see those glints is rare among witches. Even in Krul's, my hateful sister's eyes I can see those glints. I don't see glints in my eyes though. I never have. All I see past the emerald green is unending darkness. I've never met my father but somehow I know my eyes are just like his.

  In reality, Shinya, Krul and Akane are only my half-siblings. They are white witches, as pure as they come. We had different fathers. Our mother was known throughout the witch community as Mahiru Hiragi. She was gifted with the ability to heal others. She lived happily wedded to her husband, a white witch, and had three beautiful children: Shinya, Krul and Akane. The fourth child was where everything went wrong.

  Mother spent a night with the wrong man. He was known as the most powerful and diabolic black witch, slaughtering and thereafter eating the hearts and aging the powers of his witch victims. He killed white witches and black witches alike. His name was Guren Ichinose.

  Ichinose. Hiragi. If those were the last names of my parents, where did my surname come from? Mahiru Hyakuya was my mothers maiden name. I inherited that name because I was not a Hiragi nor did Gran want me to feel ashamed for having the last name Ichinose. Truth is, I wouldn't mind at all if I had that name as my own. It would make me feel powerful. The whole barbaric world would know that I was the son of Guren Ichinose, and I would be proud.

I am back with a new series as promised! This is the Half Bad MikaYuu AU that I wanted to post. Bear with me, Yuu and Mika will end up happy in the end. Creating the cover was difficult because there were size problems and my fingers were being a bitch but I think it's finally okay. Also, it's almost three in the morning where I am and I have to go to the bathroom so badly you will not believe it.

Half of Yuu, Half of MeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon