Dont go.

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"can you talk to me?" I heard faintly through the thick black fog that covered my vision.

"Sir we need you to stay with us ok?"

Nothing was registering. I couldn't comprehend any words they were saying.

"What happened..." I mumbled, barely back from my unconsciousness.

"Sir can you follow my finger?" The voice said, waving a blurry line across my vision which again, was not working properly.

Lines and blurry splotches soon appeared and I could piece together where I was.

Then I remembered.

"Where's.....h-Harley?" I groaned, sitting up and immediately falling back down.

"Sir please don't use any strength, you are in critical condition." Said the paramedic annoyed and firmly

"C-Condition my ass...." I mumbled, sitting up once again and succeeding.

My vision soon came back enough for me to realize where I was and what was happening.

The windshield was caved in, barely holding the glass pieces together.

In my lap was the steering wheel bent and ripped. I could feel a dull ache everywhere on my body, and more pain varied in different places.

There were blue and red lights flashing around me, indicating that the cops were here to make sure I didn't make a run for it.

There was a sharp pain in my forehead, I reached a hand to it and immediately brought it back in pain and shock.

There was a piece of glass stuck in my head.

I turned my head to the passenger seat. My heart dropped.

Harley was slumped over and blood was splattered randomly on her new clothes I stole just for her.

"Oh god, what's happening? Why is she slumped like that?!" I said a little louder than comfortable.

"Sir just sit back, we're bringing in someone to get you out safely." She said resting a hand on my thigh.

I smacked her hand away with all the strength I could muster, which was not a lot.

"Harley!" I said, reaching to her and shaking her gently. She didn't respond, she just slumped over to the side more.

"Harleeeey!!" I sobbed, now in tears. The sudden invasion of tears stung.

"Harley baby, wake up! Please" I sobbed, shaking her unresponsive body harder.

"Sir, please calm down, we need you to stay as still as possible!" The lady said urgently.

"Your talking to damn much." I growled.

I pressed a finger to Harley's neck. Hoping, dying for a pulse.

"Please, No no no no no!" I heaved.

Every memory started flashing through my head. Every kiss. Every laugh. Every touch that sent shivers down my spine. Like when we drove home from Ivys, and I got to hold her once more.

Crazy about you (Harley x joker suicide squad)Where stories live. Discover now