Chapter 1 - First Day Back

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I threw on a black thin and loose cardigan on top of the fitted, dark blue long sleeved top that I wore. It matched the black leggings and dark blue boots. 

"Hey are  you done?" Holly called from the kitchen.

"Yes!" I put on my blue necklace and grabbed my bag that had my laptop, books, paper, stationary and jazz shoes in the big pocket and the small pocket held my emergency kit + wallet and keys. I snatched my phone and made my way through the mess of beds and clothes on the floor to the entrance of the apartment. 

"Jayde! Why are you taking so long?" I asked. 

"I'm having trouble with my hair!" She wailed.

I sighed, I was easily the best at hair in the three of us. I had done my hair in a side braid and Holly had put her hair up in to a ponytail as usual. 

Jayde came out with her hair loose and wearing a crop top with black leggings. 

"You have to tie your hair! Or else you won't be able to dance!" I reminded her.

"What do I do my hair in?" Jayde asked.

"I'll help you." I gave my stuff to Holly who was wearing a flowery shirt with pants.

I twisted Jayde's long hair in to a beautiful side bun.

"Wow! You should be a hair stylist!" She exclaimed.

"Oh, it's nothing. I'm not as good as others." I took my stuff back from Holly. "By the way thanks for holding my stuff!"

"No problem!" Holly replied.

We rushed out of the door and said goodbye to Holly who headed down the road to her university.

"What are you taking this year for dance?" I asked.

"Jazz and Hip Hop." Jayde replied.

"Same!" We high-fived each other. 

We both entered the school entrance and went to our big lockers. 

"Do you think we're building up to any performance?" I asked.

"Probably." Jayde groaned.

I laughed. 

"What do we have for the next year?" Jayde asked.

Every student in the APA (Academy of Performing Arts) was given a daily schedule for the entire year.

"We have one hour of stretching, then dancing till lunch." I replied.

"After that?" Jayde was writing things down on her whiteboard on the inside of her locker.

"Hobby classes." I said.

"What do you have?" Jayde asked, pulling out her schedule.

"Art, then hairstyling." I replied.

"I have Art as well, and... it says hairstyling and underneath it says practice person." Jayde squinted. "What does that mean?"

"What do you think it means? It means you get to have hairstyles experimented on you." I laughed.


The bell rang.

We ran to the practice rooms for dancing. We already found some of our class there already, stretching. I took off my boots and put on my jazz shoes, and started stretching as Jayde struggled to put on her shoes. 

"Why don't you get new ones?" I sighed as I slipped my cardigan off.

"They're too expensive." She complained, finally managing to put her shoes on and starting to stretch. 

The teacher walked in. "Okay, surprise! You have to remember a dance you did when you were younger and dance it to warm up in front of everyone." He said.

"Worth It?" I questioned.

"Yeah you read my mind!" We high fived.

"Jaylene! Jayde! You're up first." 

We walked to the centre of the room and sat cross-legged beside each other. 

"What song do you want?" He asked.

"Worth It!" I called back.

The music started and I felt adrenaline pumping through my veins. In the middle of the dance I grinned, I couldn't help it, I loved dancing that much. We finished and we bowed before sitting down at the sides of the room. 

"Ahahahahahah, see? I told you so! She can't dance" Athena whispered to the rest of the class, and the majority of them giggled and started gossipping.

"Don't listen to their garbage." Jayde told me.

"She's brainwashing them, they'll now think that I can't dance because she said it!" I whisper-wailed. 

"Hey! It's okay! You got me and Holly! You'll be fine!" 

I pulled out my phone and started texting Holly.

Jaylene: Hey! How is your day going so far??

Holly: Good! U caught me at a good time, we're changing classes right now. I have 5 mins.

Jaylene: Athena has just brainwashed the entire class that i can't dance!

Holly: Dude, that's not tru!

Jaylene: but now they'll bully me for not being able to dance when i've been going to the APA for                   a long time!

Holly: It's OK! We're here for you!

Jayde: oh yeah we are

Jaylene: Um, Jayde? We're sitting right next to each other rn, you don't need to text.

Jayde: yes but i need to contact holly some way right??????

Holly: Ok, I gtg rn, class starting! ttyl!

I signed off and sighed, what was I going to do about this problem? Perform? Move universities? But people like Athena would always be following me around for the rest of my life, so cross the moving bit off. I might have to perform! I realised. 

"Hey, do you want to perform for the upcoming show?" I whispered to Jayde.

"Oh! You mean like make up a dance?" She asked.

"Yes, how about Work From Home by Fifth Harmony?" I suggested.

Jayde squealed and then covered her mouth quickly. 

"Okay everyone, that's the end of the groups, as you can see we have 14 people and 7 rehearsal rooms leading from this one, go in and stretch by yourselves. I'll come around and check your stretches later in class. No more than two in a room!" The teacher called.

Jayde and I rushed to a room and locked the door, no one was coming in to join us this time.

"Anti-social much?" Jayde laughed.

"Says you." I retorted playfully.

We stretched and stretched till the bell rang and we headed to the next class.

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