HIM! 2

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Garroth's pov

Then we turned around and saw Gene.I turned back around and saw Kattie in her shadow night form. Kattie had her sword out and she was in her fighting stance. Then I nudged Vylad to make him turn around. He turned into his shadow night form.
Vylad: Kattie stop!
Garroth: he did?
Kattie: yes!
Gene: oh little Kattie why are u mad?
I look at Kattie she looked mader so I knocked her out. Vylad cough her in his arms and gave her to me.
Vylad: hold her for me.
Garroth: why?
Then Vylad ran up to gene and they started fighting. I ran to tell laurance where they are so he can help.

Time Skip next morning

Vylad's pov

I'm in Kattie's room waiting untill she wakes up. We almost killed Gene but he ran away. Laurance got hurt so he is resting in her room in a not her bed. I can feal laurance is being healed from Kattie with her aurora. I think she likes him and he likes her. OH Kattie is wakeing up.
Kattie: where a- am I? Oh hey Vylad.
Vylad: your awake! Garroth kind of knocked u out.
Then she looked over at laurance and smiled.
Vylad: you like him spook much don't u!
Kattie: yeah
Vylad: u said yeah ooooohhhhh.
Kattie: nononono
Then laurance woke up and they stared at each other.
Vylad: you like each other!
Then aph came in fangirling all over.
Aph: my ship is sailing!!!!
Then Kattie walked over to laurance and sat on his lap he put his arms around her. Ago was fangirling so hard there so t pushed her out of the house. Then I ran to garroth to tell him what happend. He then went to see for himself.

Garroth's pov

I walked into her house and saw then sleeping together.

Hey all my star's I just want to say next chapter should be out next like in 1 hour.
Love Galixy

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