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I awoke on a rough, rocky floor with every muscle and bone in my body feeling severe pain. This pain was worse than when his nanny had smashed his finger in the door of his Cadillac escalade in fourth grade. She had been fired immediately after of course, because Greens received only the best help. This pain was worse than the playful slugs to the arm that came occasionally from Dustin. They were usually for only hitting on Hannah, his girlfriend, or sitting on his cat or something, but they came with brotherly love. This pain was worse than the pain of his father's angry punches. Those were made to make him think about how he had let his mother die. How he had taken his father's first love from him, by letting her make that sacrifice. But those were out of hate. They were understandable and he took them. No, this pain was deep, and cut into him like a thousand slits. He tried to rise up, but felt the cold chains wrapped like constrictors around his neck, legs, and arms. He was too sore to move anyway. He wished he couldn't remember how he got here. He lay on that floor with the torment of his own existence that stirred inside of him with a violent current. He remembered the screams, the blood, the pure hate. He would never forget those sounds, that had tormented him in his dreams so that his nightmares the night before were the dreams he prayed would return on the night of his abduction. He only saw the white of the hating eyes that lured around him that night. The wails of pure pain were only the chorus of the song he was signing now. He couldn't help the screams, because whatever was keeping him alive was also the thing he wanted to kill him. He chose to savor the moment, and try his best to forget it, but never forgive it. Through the sounds of his screaming he heard a loud "creak". It took all of his strength to lift his head to see his tormentor, and the strength was wasted, because the toe of his boot shoved it down before he could gaze upon his face. A dark, fake-sounding voice echoed through the darkness. "Welcome Shaun!" It hissed. " I was informed you had awakened, and wanted to see for myself whether or not you had..." It paused. " settled in?" It said, as if waiting for a response. " look at me." It commanded. I wasn't even strong enough to look up, but I felt a cold hand wrap around the back of my head, and jerk me up. I see only a bright blue eye. One full of hatred, and vile color. " when I say look, I mean LOOK." I feel my neck throb with immense pain. Tears stream down my face, and I scream for mother. What was I here for? Where was I? Who are these people and what do they want? These were the questions I wanted to know, but was afraid to learn the answers too. My face still at his shoes, I feel my mind begin to drift off as my eyes close. I hear a silent chuckle just before I go under, and the footsteps of my torturer fade into non-existence.

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