The Surprise

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Anaya POV

So last month Aj and I applied to train at FCW (Florida Championship Wrestling) till senior year bc you know we still go school😩Anyway do I'm at my bestie Aj's house and and we both got a text at the same time....
*bloop* bloop*
"OMG AJ I GOT ACCEPTED TO TRAIN AT FCW" I exclaimed, but aj didn't look so happy."Aj did u get accepted?"
"...." "AJ did you?" "YES ANAYA I GOT ACCEPTED TOO!!!" Aj said. " wtf aj you scared the shit out of me!!?" "Hehehe sorry"aj said laughing. "We start next weekend" I said

"Come on anaya let's head to school"
"Okie dokie" she replied with a small chuckle. "I should surprise Seth at his locker before school starts" "yes child that would be awesome he will love that u thought about him" "yea he would wouldn't he😊" I said happily

Dean POV
"bro Roman I got accepted into the FCW program." "What!!! I did too!" He said exited. "You didn't tell me you were signing up" I said. "Well I wanted to surprise you deano." "Oh okk. Well let's hurry up and catch the bus." Btw we were at my house...roman slept over.

"And then john cena grabbed jbl and.." "Shhhh" I whispered. "Wha.." "Anaya stfu and listen" "ok ok" she said annoyed. "Let's record this sounds like someone Is making out" Anaya said. "Totally come on you dork" I said. And pressed record and we turned the corner. "omg...." Anaya said. I was confused bc she looked first. "What?"I asked confusedly. "Ugh just look spider.." I looked and what I saw made my heart drop to my knees. " that's it. I'm gonna beat the shit out of her!!" Anaya said pissed off. I just nodded I was hurt..

Anaya POV
How tf could Seth do this to Aj. He was making out with Paige like fucking tonsil hockey. So I went up to them tapped Paige's shoulder, she turned around and I started to pound her face. Seth pulled me PFF and I slapped him and started to beat him up. Roman came out of nowhere and pulled me off of seth. "Wtf anaya why are you attacking them!?" Roman screamed. "Why!? Because scumbag,two tones, ugly ass was making out with goth fat ass Paige!!!" I yelled. Aj was just staring and Dean attended to her. "Fuck you Paige don't talk toe or Aj! And you Seth don't even think about calling me or Aj either unless you want me to beat the fuck outta you again!!" I was so pissed off. I took aj's hand and we went to the bathroom and talked. We actually ditched school bc Aj didn't feel like going anymore and I could honestly understand why. But trust me on this when I get my hands on Seth and Paige I won't stop until I see blood.and thats a fact.😄

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2016 ⏰

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