The First Date

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This will have both P.O.Vs, but Cole's will be in italics. ^-^



Nya was helping Zane get ready for Cole and his first date. Zane was nervous because he had never been on one, but Nya kept reassuring him that it would be fine.

"Nya? Are you sure that I look okay?' Zane asked as he looked at himself in the mirror. He was wearing a white button up shirt, khakis, white, clean sneakers, a light blue vest, and his hair was spiked up like usual.

"Of course! Cole is going to think that you look so hot!" Nya squealed.

"But my body temperature is at normal levels... Is it not?" Zane turned to her confused. He did his cute head tilt and raised an eyebrow.

"Sometimes when people say someone is hot, it means that they're calling them cute, but it means more. Okay?" Nya asked, trying to explain it the best that she could.

"I believe so... I believe Cole will look very hot as well," Zane said as he nodded.



Jay was he helping Cole get ready. Cole was nervous because he really loved Zane and was scared that he fuck something up and then Zane wouldn't like him anymore.

"How do I look?" Cole asked as he fixed his hair. Again.

"You look good. If I was gay I'd definitely go after you," Jay smirked and looked him up and down. The they both laughed. Jay wasn't gay or bi, but they made jokes like that all the time. Neither one of them minded.

"Yeah. Thanks Jay. I feel better," Cole fixed his black button up shirt. He wore a silver tie, black dress pants, and black sneakers. He brushed his emo like hair out of his face.

"Jay, hand me the hair spray," Cole groaned and moved his hair to where he wanted it. Jay handed him the silver can and Cole added more hair spray to his fringe. Finally, he got his hair to stay where he wanted it.

Jay looked around. His room kinda looked like a meth lab due to all the hair products that were everywhere.

"I like my hair and I like to take care of it! Don't judge me," Cole said.

"Okay then..." Jay mumbled. Then there was a gentle knock on the door and Nya's voice was on the other side.

"Hurry up. Zane is ready!" Nya said and then left before either of them responded.

"Okay... I'm ready," Cole said and took in a deep breath. He went into the living area and saw Zane.

His jaw dropped.

Zane looked perfect. To most, it was just a simple, nice outfit, but to Cole, it was absolutely stunning. Zane looked beautiful.

"Zane... Wow... You look... Perfect..." Cole said flabbergasted. Zane's face turned bright red. He nodded and looked Cole up and down like Nya had told him to do.

"You look hot..." Zane blushed deeper and his words made Cole a deep shade of crimson.

"Th-thanks..." Cole rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Uh... Are you ready to go?"

Zane nodded quickly because his face was still red. To Cole, he looked cute when he blushed. Then, they held hands and began to leave.

"Awe!!!!" Jay squealed like a little girl, making Zane blush again. Cole chuckled gently.

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