it's a girl

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I woke up and I got dressed as Edward prepared the breakfast but before we'll go to the doctor because I wanna know how is my baby,so the breakfast could wait.
We arrived to the clinic and I sat besides Edward who was thinking about his baby.
-Samantha Vega, please come with me I'll check you in. Your boyfriend can come in.-she said as we entered.
I was being checked and in the screen we could see our baby. We were crying of happiness and then the doctor said
-well, I have to tell you two things:the baby it's okay and it's a girl!!!-she exclaimed and Edward kissed my belly.
-I love you Alice- he said to our daughter.
We arrived to home and we ate our breakfast
-Alice sounds good,I love you Edward- I told him and we walked to his room.
-I love you too,you make me happy always, thank you my baby.- he said.
-I will miss your crazy love towards me.- I said as I placed my hand in my belly. Suddenly I felt Alice's kicks
-me too- he said.
After 5 minutes saying this I realized me and Edward kissing harder.

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