Looking to the sky to save me [Hunger Games!AU]

Start from the beginning

“And now it’s time for the Reaping”, Effie Trinket says, barely hidden excitement in her voice. Louis scoffs. “Ladies first.” She takes off her glove and sticks her hand in the perfectly round glass bowl. Her manicured fingers grab a piece of paper and she pulls out her hand, unfolding the note.

“Charlotte Tomlinson.”

And Louis’ world stops. No no no no, his brain is chanting. Not Lottie.

Louis looks over to the girls’ section. Fliss starts screaming and Lottie pales. Louis can’t move.

“Charlotte Tomlinson? Please come up here, dear”, Effie says, smiling widely as if it’s an honour to get chosen.

“I volunteer”, a girl’s voice says loudly over Fliss’ screaming. Effie gasps and the world stops spinning again. Who would volunteer to take Lottie’s place? He gets his answer quickly. A girl with long, dark hair and stunning green eyes steps out from the crowd and Harry, three rows ahead of Louis, covers his mouth with his hand. His sister, perhaps?

“What’s your name, dear?” Effie asks as soon as the Guards have brought her on stage.

“Gemma Styles.”

“Well that was very brave of you, to take Charlotte’s place.” Gemma says nothing but her eyes search Harry’s in the crowd and Louis feels sorry for the poor boy three rows ahead of him.

“And now the boys.” Effie sticks her hand in the bowl again and pulls out a note, not wasting any time now. “Louis Tomlinson.”

Of course, he thinks, just my luck. First Lottie and now me. He wrestles his way through the crowd and he hears Lottie and Fliss crying. When he’s up on stage, Effie asks if anyone wants to volunteer for him, but it stays silent. Of course. But that’s fine. Because maybe, by protecting Gemma, he can repay her for taking Lottie’s place.


When in the train to the Capitol, Louis keeps replaying Harry’s words in his head. Take care of my sister and get home safely. He can’t quite forget Harry’s soft lips on his cheek.

What did he mean with his words? That Louis had to protect Gemma and get her home safely? That he had to protect her but get home himself? He’s no fighter. Yeah, he knows how to handle a bow and arrow but he’s never used it to shoot people before. He also knows his fair share of edible plants and climbing trees but that’s about it. Just surviving skills. And that’s not going to be enough to live.

“I’ll just leave you to it”, Effie says and the door closes soundlessly behind her.

“She’s your sister, right? Charlotte?” Gemma says.

Louis nods. “Why did you take her place?”

“Because you couldn’t and she’s only thirteen. You would’ve done the same for Harry, even if you don’t know you would’ve.”

Would he? Would he have taken sweet, wide-eyed, innocent Harry’s place? As soon as he asks himself, he knows the answer. Yes, he would have.

“See”, Gemma says with a half-hearted smile.  “I know I won’t win. I’m not a survivor. But you can win. You’re charming, which gets you sponsors, and you know how to handle bow and arrow. I don’t.”

“I promised Harry I’d protect you as much as I can.”

Gemma smiles bitterly. “I’d rather just die in the first few hours than hide and starve to death.”


The second Louis steps into the hall to train, he knows he doesn’t stand a chance. He sees a girl with pink hair throwing knives at dummies and she hits the heart every time. A guy is throwing spears at other dummies and yeah. Let’s just say Louis does not want to be on the receiving end of his spears. Gemma tells him they’re Careers – they’ve been trained for years. He follows her to the stand where a small girl is trying to learn which berries are edible and which ones aren’t.

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