Trying To Help

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Lui: Where the f were you two all day?

Terroriser: We slept in and didn't bother.

Moo: Because math.


            I GOT A B+

Wildcat: YES U THE MAN


Lui: Aww I got a C. Next time teach me too Wildkitty :(

Wildcat: No, I'm only Craig's private tutor.

                  If you know what I mean ;)

Mini: xD

Moo: I get it.


Lui: You and Brian prob did the same yesterday, don't lie ;)

Terroriser: Ye guess what.

                       My ass virginity is gone :D

Wildcat: ew xD

Mini: ew xD

Lui: Oh shit, first it was Vanoss and Del and now you two.

         Next it's gonna be me and Marcel ain't it? T.T

Moo: Pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff


Delirious: Yo can we hang out tonight?


Delirious: :<

;) You want me to come over right now?

Delirious: Nah. At 5. Is that ok?

See ya then.

As much as Evan seemed to want to avoid everything and everybody, he knew this wasn't going to make his issue go away.

He needed to talk with Jonathan about this shit. Maybe it'd give him some ease of mind. Or take his mind off it if Jonathan's doesn't really want to touch the subject yet, either.

Either way, Evan knew the masked cutie could make him feel better.

It was a bit past 4 at the moment. Evan had time to spare.

Maybe he should make himself proper. His hair he had messed up the second he made it into the confines of his home looked ridiculous. Also, his whole face screamed 'tired'.

Coffee. Evan never really drank coffee but at this moment he probably needed it more than ever. He checked the fridge, they were out of energy drinks, too. Coffee it is!

Evan knew how to work the beverage machine, his dad had asked him many times before.

While the machine was working he trudged to the bathroom, turning on the faucet and adjusting it to mildly cold. He splashed his face with it and dried off, hearing the ding from the coffee machine.

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