.::the party::.

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I went back upstairs to check my phone. I had two messages from Melanie asking me to come over, Brendon and some other people were there also so I wasn't that excited to go, but I can't let Mel down. After 15 minutes on the road I finally got to Mel's house and so many cars were there, was there a party here? I parked in the yard because there wasn't any space left.  I decided to stay inside the car for a few and texted Mel to come outside. She replied fairly quickly and opened the front door. I opened the car door and saw a few people in the living room, maybe a club of some sort? I walked in to see more than a few people, maybe about 20 people. Then my eyes spotted Josh.

I got invited to a party and I decided to go since I wanted to meet new people. I was hoping there wasn't going to be any alcohol but I was wrong. I tried to stay away from it but a person handed me a bottle and told me to chug it, yikes. Everybody was staring at me at that moment and I couldn't look like a fool in front of everyone, so I did it. One guy passed out on the floor and grabbed my leg, he tried to bite
it... I sat on the couch and tried to get a ride home because I was too scared to drive. Then another person came in, it was Tyler. I was so screwed and this wasn't a good place to see me at, especially drunk.

I asked Mel why she was having a party and invited me to come over because I had real bad anxiety. I think she was drunk off her ass. I went to go sit down trying to ignore all the people staring at me and got on my phone. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder and I looked over to see Josh. He asked me for my number and to see if we could ever hang out soon. I didn't know how to reply so I just gave him my number so he could go away, god he can't get any cuter oh my.

I went up to Tyler for his number out of the blue, why do I do these things to myself oh my god. Tyler looked a little upset and confused on why he got invited.
I'm glad he was here though, I just like looking at his adorable face. I was a still pretty drunk but hey at least I kind of made a move on Tyler a little bit. I can finally text him and ask him some things without going to his house. I was still at the party just staring at Tyler typing on his phone. His cute little fingers click one by one on the screen, soothing me, making me want to fall asleep.
Then I wake back up from a loud thud from the kitchen and screaming.
Tyler wasn't there and I assumed that he went home. I walk in the kitchen to see what was going on. Mel got so drunk that she threw a vodka bottle at the wall and yelled at herself for doing it. I decided to drive home because I was pretty sober already. The rest of that night I was thinking of Tyler and what he was wearing.  So simple but yet so pretty on him.

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