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"Wake up you git!" I Awoke gasping, I leaned my head back and thanked God it was a dream. But boy am I weird. "You gonna get up, we gotta leave in a few minutes." Julian said through my door. Julian and I lived in the orphanage together. I never knew my parents. Neither did Julian. We were kinda similar me him. Different is he was born in Britain. Grew up in a Bristol orphanage before being transferred to the US. He was different from the rest of us. Our parents kicked us to the curb with nothing. His left him enough money to live his life comfortably. So he never wanted to be adopted. Which made him kind of an outcast here. He was often beat up by the crew (they're a group of orphanage "peacekeepers") because he would flaunt good money around. Unlike the rest of us who had very basic rooms. He had his upgraded. New lights, paint, a flat screen TV, king sized bed, new dressers, smartphone, the whole thing. All of which the rest of us didn't have. "We're going to be late for school" he yells through my door. "I'm coming calm yourself" I yell back. I quickly throw on some decent looking clothes then put on my jacket. The jackets the only thing I have from whoever my parents are. It's custom made leather. Black and worn. I never leave home without it. I put my hair in a ponytail and put on a hat. Then grabbed my bag and walked to the door. I opened the door to see Julian's smug face. Julian looked the exact opposite of a millionaire. He's short maybe 5'4, he's a full on ginger. Ginger bowl haircut, ginger handlebar moustache. About 100 freckles. To be honest, I'm probably his only friend here, and I say that loosely because he can be trying. He starts fights he can't finish and often drags me into problems I don't want to be a part of. The only reason I haven't killed him yet is because he's really my only friend here. I'm not part of any group. I don't like sports. I don't like science. To be honest I don't like anything we have here in Joelstown. Here all there is, is football, nerds, and bitches. I'm really not any of those. I'm just me, all I want to do is finish highschool, get out of the orphanage and start a new life. That's going to take a few months though. It's only November.

I put in my daily standard for trying. That being I put my hair in a ponytail and put a hat on. I really don't have to try for school. I'm not trying to impress anyone.

Julian and I started our walk to school. It was a bit brisk, the sky was overcast and it looked like rain was on its way. I would rather get to school before that so I made sure to walk fast. Julian, struggling to keep up, was telling me about how he was going to fight some kid or other. I knew he wouldn't, he couldn't hurt anyone if he tried.

We arrived at school a few minutes later, just before the rain. The first few periods of class were perfectly normal. My teachers all gave burdening amounts of homework and a very small amount of time to do it. Then came lunch, I had lunch alone. None of my friends from the orphanage were in my lunch period, So I normally sat alone. Lunch was going okay for quite awhile, until some of the obnoxious freshman that sat at the table next to me starting tossing food at each other. Some of which was far too close to me for my liking. I decided I would just leave. I grabbed my stuff to leave when I turned and noticed something. The boy, the one from my dreams, he was sitting three tables over looking straight at me. His eyes were piercing. He was wearing a Joelstown high lacrosse shirt and simple blue jeans with tennis shoes. The lacrosse shirt was what set me off. We didn't have a lacrosse team. This kid, whoever he is. Doesn't go to school here, and he's watching me for some reason. Then *thwack* a banana hits me in the back of the head. I turn and look for a second as the freshman are laughing an ungodly amount. When I turn back, like a horror movie, he was gone. I decided I was going to leave now. Get to my next class early. I kept my eyes open the whole time. I never saw the boy for the rest of the day. After school I had to write an article for the school newspaper. It was a simple volleyball game article and a few teacher stories. By the time I had finished it was nearly 6 o'clock. I was honestly kinda anxious, I was going to have to walk back alone. With the knowledge that I could very well be being stalked. I couldn't help but remember how in the dream the boy was helping me. But how did I know him? I've never seen him before that day. What made me even more worried was the fact that he went through the effort of making a fake shirt to try and fit in, and how he disappeared. I thought of all this as I walked back to my locker to put my books away. Then I heard a voice behind me. "Excuse me miss". I turn and a lump catches in my throat. It was the man, he was wearing a suit that was far too tight and and some strange oval glasses. "I'm a new teacher here and I was wondering if you could show me where room 209 is. I swallowed down my fear and thought to myself "you're just going crazy". "Sure, follow me" I say in the calmest voice I can muster. We start walking, he makes small talk about the weather and how he was excited for a new job. "What are you teaching" I ask, not trying to look weird. "I'm teaching math" he responds. "Okay" I think, "at least he seems legit". But then things got a bit weird. He started walking faster, ahead of me. For someone who had no clue where he was going he seemed have a pretty good idea of where he was going. Then it happens, we get to the room and he grabs me by my shoulders and throws me into the room.

My head hits the floor hard. I'm try to get to my feet but I'm so dazed I can't get up quick enough before a boot connects with my ribs. I lose my breath and fall on my back. My visions blurry but I can see that the man looks like he did in my dream. Armoured up, a look of rage in his eyes. An axe sheathed across his back that he pulls from its holding. The metal blackened with a red liquid flowing through the metal. He pulls it above his head preparing to spit me in half. I close my eyes and cover my face with my arms. But I know it's over, there is no chance for me now. The man yells, as he brings the blade down. But it never hits me. I hear the clang of metal on metal. Then grunting of two people followed by the sound of metal hitting the ground. I then feel a metal hand grab my arm and and drags me towards the wall. I open my eyes to see the boy.  He holds his sword in his left hand as he drags me forward with his left hand. "Stay here" he says. Before walking towards the man, taking practice swings with his sword. He wears a dark grey armour, woven with the same green liquid from his blade. As the man stands, the boy puts his left hand on his right shoulder, all the while pointing his sword at the man. The man stands, shakes his head and laughs. "Your father always had awful timing, You always appear just in time to ruin my day" he says. The boy doesn't respond.

They begin to circle each other watching for each other's weaknesses. The man must have noticed something because he leaps forward and slashes with his axe. The boy back steps and easily avoids it. Then he lunges forward and stabs at an exposed point on his side. The man continued to swing and swipe while the boy would parry and dodge. Swiping whenever he noticed an opening. It continued like this for awhile, I could tell the man was being worn down. I tried to get up, to help the boy who saved me. As soon as I tried something happened, I felt a force push me back down. It was like there was a barrier surrounding me, meant to keep me on the ground. I don't know how. Like someone had put up a magical wall around me. The boy is taunting the man, pretending to drop his guard and when he lunges in to attack the boy would parry and trip him or kick him in the knee's. The man keeps getting angrier and angrier. All of a sudden the man yells, I feel a force push me back into the barrier so hard that I hit my head on it and everything goes fuzzy. The boy didn't fare much better. The force that the man made sent the boy flying into some nearby lockers. That's when something happened, something that shouldn't be able to happen. The mans veins started to glow orange, it moved up to his head before the vein lines reached his eyes. His eyes glowed a brilliant bright orange. His muscles bulged, he looked at that the boy and gave a slight laugh. Then he turned and walked towards me his axe in hand. I tried to back away, but I was yet again met with the invisible wall. "You can't escape my barrier you stupid girl". He came up to me and raised his axe. I put my arms in front of me but I doubt it would do anything. He was going to kill me. I closed my eyes as swung down bracing for the blow. but instead I was met with the sound of metal clashing metal. I opened my to see the boy standing over me, holding the axe back with his sword. Before the man had raised his axe the boy had been on the ground about a good 15 feet away. There was no way he could have gotten to me that quick. "Isaac!" the man yelled. The boy struggled to hold the axe blade away. Using the flat of his sword to hold it in place. "Do you trust me" the boy asked me, struggling to get the words out, "Grab my leg". "Issac don't you even think about it!" the man yelled pushing down as hard as he could. I grabbed the boys leg. He mustered up all of his strength and pushed the axe blade off slightly. But the man was still pushing down as hard as he could. The axe continued down, slicing through the boys chest, his blood spattered on my hand. Then the feeling as if my stomach had been pulled through my throat. My vision went dark, and when It came back I was in different place. A field on a sunny day.

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