Chapter Eight

Start bij het begin

“You’re starting…”He laughed.

“I love starting things  with you, I never know where it’ll lead us too..”  He stiffened at the familiar accent. Turning he pulled away.

“ You just don’t know when to give up Juliana do you?”

“I never give up when I want something. You should know that.” The refrigerator door had closed and the room was black.

He laughed. “Well  I think you’re in for a rude awaking.”

 He heard the click of the light switch and the room was instantly illuminated. He watch the wicked smile cross her face  as he took in her appearance she was wearing white shear negligee that hugged her naked form like a second skin leaving nothing to the imagination. She was definitely playing dirty.  

“You like Roberto.”  

He swallowed his comment and turned away ignoring her he gathering the food and wine  placed it on a  tray and walked out.   Her laughter following him.

“You belong to me Roberto.”

He knew it was best just to walk away no need to fuel the fire when what he wanted was upstairs sleeping in his bed.  Taking two steps at a time he headed back up. Opening up the room door he was surprised to see that  the object of his desire was not in the spot he left her. The sound of running water and music alerted him to the closed bathroom door. Lying the tray on a table he head for the door turning the knob softly he winced at the soft click as he enter. Quietly stepping in the steam filled room he leaned back on the wall  and  watch   her silhouette through the condensation that covered the glass door.  The streams or water coming from multiple jets. Starting at the top of her golden head his lust filled gaze followed as she lathered her body and sang the ballad that played on her phone that she had hooked up to the surround sound in the bathroom.. He felt hypnotized as his eyes followed the soapy stream of water that she squoze  from her sponge  as it slid down her body between her breast to her center. His restraint with sanity left him as he stripped down to his boxers. She turned as he opened the stale door and entered.  “Ahhh.” She yelled at his sudden intrusion.  “Robert what are you doing?”

She was shocked he could tell as she tried hiding herself from his site.    “I couldn’t resist. I want to wash your back, then  maybe you could wash mine.”  He smiled. Her hot gaze traveled down his body. “ De Luca you have me  at a disadvantage.  You have your boxers on.” She pointed.

“And I intend to keep them or we might be in trouble here.”

“ And you think by keeping your draws on we’ll stay out of trouble.”


“I don’t think …” 

Before she could protest  he pulled  her  into his arms putting his lips to hers, he kissed her into submission.  Breaking the kiss he looked down waiting for her to open her eyes to see her reaction. He could tell that she was excited her breathing had picked up, her pupils had dilated and her nipples where hard against his chest. He held his hand out and she placed the sponge in it.  “This will be your first lesson. Turn around .”   He watched as she easily submitted to his request.

“What are you going to do.”  She asked breathlessly.

“I’m going to help you to wash those difficult spots.”  She looked back smiling as she watched  him applying soap to the sponge as he began making a circular motion on her back adding just enough pressure to give it that message effect.   He watch as she bit her lip trying to keep from moaning her pleasure. Squatting he worked his way downward massaging each butt cheek then slowly washed her inner cheeks legs and feet.  He smiled as he watched her lying against the wall for support as the warm streams of water washed the suds away. Dropping the sponge. He used his tongue gliding it back up her inner thigh. Biting and sucking her butt cheeks  then back l he made his way back up  to her neck. He felt her shiver as she leaned back into him turning her to face him he noticed his own breathing had increased as she opened up to his kiss.  Her hands as she reaching for his boxers. As much as he hated to do this he back up his and it took all his skills of restraint.  “Robert I want this..”

“Lauren this is lesson one restraint under pressure and believe me it’s a hard lesson learned.”

She  moved closer he moved back away from her.”

“You got to be kidding me Robert.”

“  No I.m  serious  nothings jumping off tonight.”

“You’re serious.”


“You get me all hot and bothered than hold out. I can’t believe this.”  He watch as she  through her hands up in disbelief. “ You’re a freaking tease don’t you dare stare at my boobs.” He  couldn’t take his eyes off  them as the jets of water hit her body making him harder by the second.  He watch as turned  she pushing the stale door open. Her nakedness forgotten he watched her but bounce side to side.  Walking over to faucets he turned the water from hot to cold.

“Lauren girls do it all the time I’m quite sure you’ve done it too.”

He watched as she open her mouth to protest  but nothing came out as she turned. Opening the bathroom door. “Touche  De Luca, lesson learned.”

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