Chapter 3(I dont have a caption)

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       (Your pv)
      I woke up to a sleeping Tom and the smell of bacon. I got up while trying not to walk up the sleeping man beside me. I walked out the door and to the kitchen where I saw Edd and Matt making bacon.
    "Good morning." You greeted them. "Oh, good morning!" Edd replied after turning to look at you. "Do you want some bacon?!" Matt asked while holding out a plate of bacon. "Sure, thank you." I say while taking the plate from him.
  Matt continues to make bacon with Edd while i sit down to eat bacon. I hear a grunt coming from the hallway and I snap my head back. Tord walked to the front door in his usual outfit.
   "Where are you going?" Edd had asked, he heard the grunt too. "Shooting range." He said blankly and walked out the door. I shrugged and finished my bacon.

  As I clean my plate in the kitchen, I hear someone playing a bass. I followed the sound and stopped at Tom's room. I opened the door slowly and saw Tom sitting on his bed with a bass. He didn't seem to notice me as I sat down beside him.  I listened to him play until he stopped slowly.

  He turned towards me and almost fell off of the bed out of fright. "Holy lemons, you scared the shit out of me." He chuckled and set down his bass. I laughed and watched him. "You're really good!" I said and saw him blush. "Thanks." He said and sat back down. There was silence before I said. "What do you want to do today?" He looked at me and smiled. "How about we go to the park?" He suggested. I smiled and agreed.

Sorry for the short chapter.

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