Extra Headcannons

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- Luka and Lily seem like sisters when they're not fighting
- When Miku cuts her hair, it grows back in two days at most. What's cut is donated.
- Len is a righty and Rin is a lefty (I think this is canon)
- A few modules are actually separate characters; they are Eternity, Hard Rock, General, Strange Dark, Rei No Sakura Camellia, and Reactor. The rest of the modules are just clothes and eye contacts
- ZeeU is actually a dog person, but still likes cats.
- Fukase is a pervert but in certain situations
- Kaito's first girlfriend was Miriam; they broke up due to his ice cream obsession and that's how he met Meiko
- Leon is the Kagamine's dad.
- Meiko and Kaito want to get married someday, before they retire from Vocaloid
- Rana likes frogs
- Kaito despises Sake Ice Cream but Meiko understands
- Oliver is actually American but he grew up in England with Sweet Ann and Big Al

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