Chapter III - Stay away

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The morning after, I woke up really late, so I decided I'd meet Hanji out. She was a really popular girl who was like a sister to me.
I wore something cute and left my apartment.
I went for the elevator, pressed the button and waited, entering after.
"Wait!" The door was closing and someone was running towards it.
I knew who the voice was and I desperately pushed the first floor's button. I was panicking.
A big hand appeared in front of my face, preventing the door from closing. I remained still.
I immediately recognised his voice but the handsome face with those thick eyebrows, made me realise.
"Good morning..." He panted.
I looked up just a few seconds, to see that he was wearing the same blood stained outfit. The only difference was that his shirt was slightly unbuttoned and his sleeves were up, making his arm's muscles look bigger.
He smiled meeting my gaze, even if he had a cold stare.
I immediately lowered mine.


"Do you even shower?" You pressed the button again and the elevator made a slight sound.
"You do realise that Mike's clothes are too big for me right?" You could clearly see that your question irritated him.
"Yeah, but I was talking about the whiskey's smell on you..." Something about him startled you. A lot...
"Are you, perhaps, smelling me?" His smile became an arrogant grin.
"Tsk" You clicked your tongue "Why would I? I can smell it from here, it's really strong."
"Maybe cause... I don't know... You have a crush on me or something?" He was still smiling.
"That's... That's a sick joke, old man..." You protested "Go and flirt with women of your age..."
"I swear-" He almost yelled but becoming composed again he continued "Well miss, it's clear that I'm older than you but, calling me old man, isn't it too much? How old are you anyway?!" He looked firm and very serious.
<<Why is the freaking elevator going this slow?! >>
"27, sir."
Out of nothing, he pressed all the buttons of the luxurious elevator, that obviously stopped it.
Wearing an expression you've never seen before he stared at you. His icy blue eyes fixed on your body.
"What the- Are you insane??" You were afraid of elevators and that shocked you.
Erwin cornered you. His strong perfume mixed with the alcohol was making you feel dizzy.
His arms pressed against the elevator's mirror.
"You see? You could perfectly fall in love with me!" he smiled leaning on you.
Your voice was shaking, not even paying attention on the words he was telling you.
"I swear I'm gonna punch you in the crotch!" Clenching your teeth, you pushed him firmly.
Erwin stumbled, he was actually truly surprised from your behaviour. His eyes were shining.
"Wait... Are you... Afraid?" he gulped, now dead serious.
"Y-yes. Now, you idiot, do someTHING!"
He almost laughed, but seeing you so scared, he pressed the button again.
"..... I'm sorry" he leaned his back against the wall, crossing his arms on his chest.
"Look, " You calmed down a little "It's not a phobia... It's just that I really don't like to mess with these things... No trauma nor incident... So, don't-" You wore a deadly expression "Do. That. Ever. Again."
<<Not that I plan to see a jerk like you often... >>
He felt his heart racing. "....."
"That's strange..." Erwin then began to speak "I thought my charm would make any woman fall for me... And that elevator thing works every time." He bit his thumb's nail in frustration.
You just looked at him blankly.
"Could you stop being narcissistic just one second?" You were slowly forgetting that his looks were from a greek god, and you could see him just as how he truly was: a jerk.
"What are you staring at?" Erwin said, resting his hand behind his neck.
"I'm not gonna even lie. You are truly handsome... But I really can't stand you! From the first time that I saw you I thought you were someone I wouldn't want to know." Now you were attacking him, and he stared at you dumbfounded, the thing you didn't know was that he was admiring you better, and he now knew that you liked him, physically at least.
"[Y/N], " his voice firm, but somehow sweet. There it goes, the commander tone.
'Tiiin' The elevator.
<<Thank god, THANK GOD!>> You blushed getting up and running away.


<<Am I going nuts?>>
I stood there, silent.
What did that tone even mean?
"[Y/N]... What the actual...?!" I was even teasing myself.
All the women I sleep with... They know it's just sex...
Looking into her eyes I just loose confidence... How is it even possible?!
I ruffled my hair, exiting the door, that was closing again.
<<I scared her off, didn't I?>>


Walking down the street, I began to feel a slight dizziness.

"You are always the same, will you grow up or will you stay living in your fairytale world forever?!"

Headache... He always gave me headache.
Always dead serious, treating me like a damn child...
And then, after all the time we spent together, he just left. Away.
And that always give me headache.
I hardly recall his face. At least, I try to.

Now, I'm not saying I miss what I had, cause I would be lying.
It was okay, I guess...
He was a great guy, but not the right for me.
And that left me broken...

"[Y/N]~!" A voice called me from behind.
It was Hanji, wearing a cheerful smile.
I didn't recognise her at first, as I was staring at the nothingness, blankly.
She pouted but then laughed and hugged me thight.
"This is what I needed..." I smiled.
"Wanna grab some japanese and go to my house?" I asked her with a grin, she showed me a paper bag, grinning too.
"Oh, I love you!"

mr. jerk Or mr. charming - E. smith x reader x M. zacharias (modern AU) Where stories live. Discover now