Worst. Day. Ever.

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Syd's POV

I stared at him blankly. He hurriedly continued. "Used, used to be in love with." His cheeks turned

slightly pink and he looked down at his feet. "I'm over it. It was awhile ago. Anyway, about you! I can't

believe you kissed Sam!" I pulled him to the side. "I had to! I made a mistake and if I didn't kiss him, he

would have figured out it was me." He raised his eyebrow. "There wasn't any other way to cover up your

mistake?" I thought about it and shook my head. He nodded. "So... did you like it?" I looked down the

hallway at a couple holding hands. It was Ethan and S. I swallowed down foreign feelings and looked

at Charlie. "I think... I think I did." 

Sam's POV

I was walking down the hallway and saw S and Ethan holding hands and talking. I shook my head.

Seriously? How could this guy not realize Syd likes him? He's practically rubbing it in her face. And he

liked her, like, a week ago. And S was Syd's best friend! How could she do this to her best friend?!

Unless... she didn't know. I smiled, happy that Nick and I were the only ones who knew. Poor Syd.

Speaking of Syd, she was talking to Charlie. I decided I was going to scare them. I snuck up quietly but

stopped suddenly when I heard what they were talking about. I strained my ears. I made out a couple of

words. "...believe...kissed...!" "...had to... mistake...figured out..." There was some more murmuring and I

heard more. "...like it?" There was a pause. "...think I did." I scolded myself for listening and walked off

quietly, thinking about what I heard. Were they talking about me and the girl that kissed me? Did they

know who she was? Did Syd or Charlie kiss someone and not tell me? I sighed and headed off to


Syd's POV

I headed off to class, excited because I had it with Sam. I decided I was going to tell him it was me. I

walked in and was disappointed to see he was talking to a girl named Emily. That's okay, I'll wait. I sat

down next to him and he didn't even glance at me. He kept right on talking. Finally, she turned around

and he noticed me. He forced a smile. What they heck? "Hey Syd, what's up?" His voice was weird. I

frowned. "Um... nothing much. Are you okay? You're acting weird." He shook his head. "I'm fine. Got

anything to tell me?" Okay, now I was seriously confused. "Should there be?" He sighed. "Syd, I

overheard your conversation with Charlie." I almost choked. "You... what?" He nodded. "Yep. Why didn't

you tell me you kissed someone?!" My mouth dropped open in shock. Okay, so apparently he didn't

hear all of the conversation. I breathed a sigh of relief in my head. "Um.. first of all, why were you

eavesdropping? And second of all, I didn't... I mean, its not what you -" Someone came in and sat next

to me. He leaned across my desk towards Sam. It was Charlie. "She kissed me." Eyes wide, I stared at

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