Chapter 5: Sidelined (Gladly)

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“Are you sure about this?” Pixie smirked they stood in Paul’s garage looking at the shell of a V8 muscle car.

“Nothing beats American muscle” Paul laughed. “You can put anything in it”.

“Good because I know just what to do” she replied.

Along with Jako and Reiko, Pixie, Sean and Paul; they transformed the V8 shell in an actual car. It had a new paint job and was fitted with the engine from Sean’s Nissin and parts that Pixie found at Han’s place.

“Here’s the money Han owes Takashi” Pixie sighed giving him a duffle bag. “Don’t ask where I got just give it to him”.

“Han’s in a better place” Sean replied touching her cheek. “He’d want you to move on”.

“If you say so” she mumbled. “I warned him saying that we would lose him and he told me to trust him, someone told me that once, to trust them and I was abused because I listened”.

“Now someone else is asking you to trust them” Sean smiled. “Takashi won’t know what hit him”.

“First, we need to find a track” Neela pipped in. “We need a place where you’ll be in control”.

“The Mountain Range” Jako replied. “It’s the perfect place; it was where Han was taught how to drift”.

“Which is the very same place where Han taught me” Pixie nodded. “Jako’s right, it is the place”.

That night Pixie leaned over the rail that lined the roof of Han’s apartment. She missed his constant sarcasm and she missed everything about him. Pixie loved Han like a sister would love her brother; to her Han was a brother because she never really had one before she met Dom and the others.She could still the first day she met Han when she was only six.

She stepped through the sliding doors following a young couple as if they were her parents. She looked around sighing “What to do now?” 

She saw a big apartment that served as a garage and a night club at the back and slipped in through a crack in the roof and landed on a couch and fell asleep.

“Han, did you adopt!?” a voice shouted.

Pixie stirred and squealed as she saw a man’s face. The man shrunk back realizing he had scared her and sighed “Sorry, just relax, I’m not gonna hurt you”.

“Dom, who are you talking to?” Han ran up the stairs and smiled seeing Pixie “What is a little girl like you doing here?”

“I ran away from home” she replied sitting up with her knees close to her. “Daddy’s scaring me”.

“How is your dad scaring you?” Dom asked.

“He’s hitting me” Pixie answered. “He punches me and kicks me hard”.   

“Where’s your mum?” Han took over.

“She’s sick in hospital” Pixie sniffed. “But daddy won’t help, he’s too worried about losing his job; he said he helped mummy he wouldn’t be able to keep me at school and me fed”.

“Wow, he must be either stupid or drunk” Han smirked.

“He’s always drunk” Pixie shrugged. “It isn’t so bad but mum’s practically dying and I’m looking for a way to help”.

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Dom asked Han.

“Probably” Han smiled. “What’s your name little one?”

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