Kakuja,Chimera,and Detachment

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When ghouls repeatedly cannibalize other ghouls, they (rarely) develop an abnormal kagune apart from the common predatory kagune. This kagune typically takes an armor-like shape, and ghouls with such a kagune are called kakujas.
This abnormal transformation kagune also takes after the Rc types.

Known kakuja ghouls are: Ken Kaneki, Arata Kirishima, Yakumo Oomori, Seidou Takizawa, Kurona Yasuhisa,Tatara, Yoshimura, and Eto Yoshimura.


When ghouls with different Rc types have children, there is a small chance that they will inherit abilities from both parents. This trait appears to be extremely rare, with only three known examples appearing in the series.

Known chimera ghouls are Hinami Fueguchi, Nutcracker and Shikorae.


Though the method has still not been explained, some ghouls possess a rare ability to detach part of their kagune. This detached piece maintains its traits for some time, and continues to function separate from the main body. Thus far, two distinct uses have been observed: Walls and traps.
A detached kagune wall buries into the ground, and sprouts like a thorn bush or other organic barrier. It extends itself to fill the entire area, making passage impossible.
A detached kagune trap can be buried within any surface, and coils up on itself. These traps will lie in wait until nearby movement triggers them, bursting from their hiding place to impale whatever set them off. It appears to be possible to set more than a half-dozen traps at a time, though the exact limitation is unknown. The only example thus far is the chimera ghoul Nutcracker.
The one-eyed ghoul Eto demonstrates the ability to detach pieces of her kagune, using them to manipulate and restrain targets. It is possible that this is a variant of the kagune wall, though the exact details are unknown at this time.
After the timeskip Kurona Yasuhisa later shows the ability to detach her kagune and wield it in a similar fashion towards a quinque.

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