Ch.2: Damage

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Tom found himself staring at the ceiling, deep in his thoughts. He couldn't comprehend why Tord would come back. What in the world could Tord want from them? He refused to accept that Tord only came back for friendship. Surely there was a sick, twisted truth behind this, right?
Tom sighed and tossed around in his bed, unable to find sleep. Almost every night was like this for him, he had to play a constant game of hide and seek with sleep. Until eventually he'd get fed up and he'd drink until he dropped.
Therefore, he got out his flask and began to drink. This made no difference to Tom's state of mind. In fact, Edd was right, it only made matters worse. But this was a bad habit of his, he tried to get rid of it to no avail.
Soon enough Tom's short lived soberness was replaced by confusion and blurry vision. He stumbled around the apartment, mumbling incoherent words and swearing. He kept bumping in walls and various other obstacles due to his crappy vision. Obviously, all the racket Tom was doing awoke Tord from his not-so-deep slumber, which set the Norski off.
"Tom, could you stop fucking around? I'm trying to sleep" He mumbled coldly, still half awake and drowsy.
"S-stop giving me orders! *hic* Stupid, heartless commie. *hic*" Tom blurted out, unable to control his drunk thoughts, as usual.
Tord sighed, not wanting to deal with Tom's attitude. He simply lead Tom to his room with his shoulder as support.
"You need some sleep, Tom" The other male whispered, trying not to cause any commotion. Tom pushed him away and glared at Tord, confused and angry.
"S-stop helping me *hic* you... you bastard! I can *hic* help myself." Tom slurred and tried to walk away from the other male. Although, Tord wasn't letting him go just yet. Tord desperately wanted sleep and he knew that letting Tom stay awake meant no sleep at all.
He grabbed Tom by his hoodie and pulled him back.
"Where do you think you're going?"
"Let go of m-me *hic* ya horny slut. If you want a piece of me *hic* it's d-dinner and a movie first! *hic*" Tom chuckled at that, not realizing what he was saying. Tord, on the other hand, was.
The slightly flustered male grunted and took the bigger male bridal style. He would've simply let Tom hang on him until they reached his room but he knew Tom would've tried to leave, again.
"Ohh, you're a romantic one. haha. *hic*" Tom poked Tord's noise and laughed groggily. He was way too
drunk, in Tord's opinion.
"Tom you are hella drunk. I am bringing you to your room."
"Dinner and a movie FIRST!" Tom growled, trying to wriggle out of Tord's grip.
Tord sighed and rolled his eyes, he decided to let it slide. Tom was drunk, after all. Although, next time, the Norski was sure to slap him.
He entered Tom's room and gently placed him on the bed.
"Go to sleep, Thomas." He said coldly and was about to exit the room when Tom stopped him.
"Why d-did you *hic* help me?"
"I need sleep. Leaving you roam around the apartment meant I was getting no sleep." He replied with a little venom in his voice.
With that, Tom fell asleep and so did Tord. The apartment was filled with light breathing and heavy snores until sunrise.
A small ray of sunshine coming from the tiny window hit Tord's damaged face. This awoke him from his slumber, making him grunt lowly and stretch. He checked the time, it was 10 in the morning. It surprised the Norski that he awoke so late, usually he'd wake up at 5 am for army duties. No alarm, just habits. Tord left his room and looked around, no sign of the impulsive Jehovah's Witness was to be seen. This was good because Tord had to go shopping and he didn't want Tom to watch over him like a mother. He quietly left the apartment, thinking that he didn't wake up Tom. Oh but he did, in fact Tom was already awake, he was just relaxing in bed. Tom quickly left his room to catch up with Tord.
"Where do you think you're going, Tord?" He whispered in the apartment hall, not wanting to wake up anyone who remained asleep.
"Grocery shopping, I'm not going to kill anyone. No need to watch over me like a mom, Tom"
"Pssht, as if! I'm coming with you, if you want me to trust you start acting like it, commie" Tom growled, walking alongside the annoyed, shorter man.
"Aurghh, Fine, Thomas" Tord snapped at Tom as he glared straight in his eye sockets. This only made him chuckle, Tord just looked like a sassy midget to Tom.
"What's so funny?!" Tord retorted, his face flushed in red from anger.
"You look like a sassy midget." Tom spat, holding back his laughter as they entered Tord's car. Tord punched Tom's shoulder and stammered.
"S-shut up, asshole. You don't wanna fuck around with a midget. The shorter the person, the closer they are to hell."
This made Tom burst in laughter, rubbing his shoulder in pain and pant from lack of air. Tord grumbled and started the car and he drove off to the grocery store.
As they entered the place, Tom was still crying and panting from the outburst of laughter he had.
"You know, Tom, I've never seen you this happy in quite a while." Mumbled Tord, while he was picking up the things he needed. Tom just sighed shoved his hands in hoodie pockets.
"I guess... I'll go get some Smnirnoff."
They both parted ways and did their own thing. Soon enough, Tom had his Smnirnoff and Tord had his necessities.
The ride home was silent, none of them bothered to even say a word. Sometimes things were better off that way between them. Saying too much was like not enough; it never led to any good.
Tom sat down on the couch and opened the TV, remote in hand and his flask in the other. He just slouched there, not doing anything constructive at all. This strangely bothered Tord, not in a disgusted way but more of a worried way.
Why in the world was he worried about Tom? He hated him. Tord just brushed it off and sighed as he also took a seat on the couch.
Tom glanced at the Norwegian who was seated beside him, this time, a little closer than before.
"Did it hurt, I mean obviously it did but.... you know? How bad was it?" He questioned Tord, out of curiosity.
"Yeah, it actually really did. Luckily I had people who were there to help me."
"People?" Tom pondered.
"Coworkers, nothing more"
Tom gave Tord a confused glare but soon gave up when Tord gave him a serious one, meaning "shut up."
"How did you find us, Tord?"
"I built a giant robot and you think I wouldn't be able to find you guys?" Tord chuckled a little bit but quickly shut it. He hated talking about the giant robot incident, he knew that Tom would bring it up now.
He didn't, Tom just gave him a sad glare and whispered;
"Sometimes I wonder if you ever have feelings."
He then left the living room to go to his own room, leaving Tord alone.
Tord's POV ((yay first POV))
That one did a number on me, it seeped deep in my heart. Yes, I do feel, Tom. I just don't like to show my weaknesses, especially around you.
I sigh and flick through the channels, nothing good was on right now. Those words really got to me, I feel entirely bummed out. I don't even have enough motivation to go get my hentai magazines. Sure those might cheer me up but I don't know... I just have this permanent void inside me. Not even hentai could fill that stupid void.
I sat there t'ill midnight, the lights were out and all that was on was the TV. I didn't see Tom come out of his room, either. Until midnight, that is.
He stepped out, tipsy and obviously drunk, again. Jesus, will I have to deal with this stupid shit every night?
"You... Are drunk again, aren't you?" I muttered, a little afraid he would go all savage on me.
"Not enough to try you out on a date like last night" He mumbled groggily, wiping the fatigue out of his eyes. I jumped a little... He remembered last night? But he was crazy drunk!
"Y-you remember last night?" I stammered, amazed that this drunk idiot could actually remember such a thing. I was actually surprised that he could remember in general.
"Yeah.... I do, you brought me to my room, right? Bridal style, like you were gay for me or something." He immediately chuckled after that. I felt anger boil in me. I mean, sure I am bi-sexual but there is no way in hell that I'd be gay for this idiot.
"Eww. Gay for you? In your dreams, Jehovah's" I spat, failing to control my anger.
"In my dreams? More like in my nightmares! Stupid commie"
I have a bad feeling that this isn't going to end well. But I just couldn't keep myself contained.
"You're my nightmare!" I snapped, losing control and becoming furious.
"Well so are you! I can't sleep because of you, I have to drink myself to sleep." He retorted, it felt like a bullet hit me in my heart. I am not going to lie, the words he spat actually did some major damage on me. But like usual, I kept going.
"Oh shut up, will you?! You are ALWAYS drunk no matter WHAT"
"Maybe because I try to forget you! I just wish... I just wish that the harpoon would've hit you!"
"Well maybe I do, to!" I shout, trying to hold back my tears.
"Good" Tom mumbled and stormed off to his room.
Ouch, again.
He really did hate me.
Well, Thomas, I hate you, too. Shit head.

Hating YOU (Tord x Tom)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя