Chapter 4: Creatures of Midnight

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There the things stood in front of us. I couldn’t help but stare at the human sized figures. They all looked as lost as we were. "I wonder if they can communicate with us." The doctor said putting a pair of glasses.

"Hello! I'm the doctor." The doctor said walking closer to the group of things. "Doctor?! DOCTOR!?? We want doc- doc- DOCTOR?" A thing with a head shaped like a humans, yet it had think brown fur on its cheeks, its arms had a few loose feathers, and its two fangs resting on its lips. It was but for the most human looking out of all of them. It yelled stepping closer to the doctor reaching for him. "IT. SPEAKS. ENGLISH?!" I gasped stepping back hiding behind Jack. "DOCTOR?! HEL-" the thing began

"um...yeah I think we should...RUN!" Everyone ran to a door, Jack threw Jamie over his shoulder as she was still completely out still, entitled examination room. Using his screwdriver, the doctor locked the heavy metal door.

"It- it- it speaks English?!"  I stuttered catching my breathe leaning against a wall. "The tardis- it translates for you. Now shut up. I'm thinking" the doctor said beginning to pace the room. Jack layed Jamie on a desk before standing next to the doctor. "Doctor, how do you plan to get out of here?"

"I working on it jack..." the doctor said. "OOH! Wait- No-....maybe...Yes! Michel they can only live in 20 degree heat correct?" The doctor said quickly.

"Yeah, but docto-"

"Ha! We'll just wait here for an hour or so, and they'll be too weak to-"

"Doctor this month...we were working on weather adaption shots. The results were...exceedingly positive. It wears off after about 20 days" Michel hesitatingly said. It felt that the everyone in the room's shoulders fell. In shame Michel sat a Jamie’s side.

"My god Michel, you won’t believe the dream I was having. We had a break in and- a man, with some really great hair, with a woman an-and all the prototypes were let loose. God I’m glad i was just-" Jamie said slowly sitting up with the help of Michel. When she turned to the other side of the room she paused. "I wasn't dreaming?!"

"You said I had great hair. Thank you. Now. Is there any way out of this room?" The doctor smiled at Jamie before scanning the room for an exit. "No, just the front door." Jamie said. "Do you remember what you were doing before you were knocked out?" Captain Jack kneeled in front of Jamie who still sat on top of the desk.

"Afternoon rounds. Checking the state of each prototype." Jamie began to laugh softly to herself. "Sometimes I open one of their cages, talk to them. Though I’d speak German to them. Don’t know why. I’m convinced I’ve gone mad from being here for so long. I thought one of them started to repeat what I was saying. It even started saying whatever I said at the same time as me, but that’s impossible."

"Eh...nothing's impossible, but you’re right, they can't learn. They're just flesh..."  the doctor replied sliding down a wall sitting on the ground.

We all set around in a deep, dead silence. "The prototypes, seems their only weakness without us killing them is warm water." Jack said as flipped through the files i picked up.

"Jack! I could kiss you!" The doctor said jumping to his feet. "I wouldn’t stop you, doctor." Jack said giving the doctor a cheeky smile. The doctor rolled his old eyes and turned to Jamie. "What happens when they touch warm water?"

"They blister...horribly. Poor things.."

"POOR THINGS? THEY TRIED TO KILL US?!" Michel snapped before returning to the corner he sat in. "I can heat up the water-" the doctor runs to a nearby industrial like sink and starts tampering with the pipes below it. "No use. That sink doesn’t work." Michel said. The doctor stood up and from underneath the sink. With a bottle in his hand. "What’s this Doctor Lester?" The doctor asked with a smirk tossing the bottle to Jamie. "I thought Michel lost this, it’s the reversal to the weather adaption, but all it does is makes them need extreme heat levels, even radiation to live. I created it. We gave it to our last prototypes. Died in 4 hours. We had a power outage the night i was saving the formula to the computer." the doctor took a long pause. Nearly grinning as he remembered.


"I'm not following doctor..." I said.

"Midnight! No....yes! Midnight!!! Ha-ha!!" The doctor jumped up. "The planet midnight. The only planet they could live on. It all makes since now." The doctor said laughing. "Ahh...time travel gotta love the surprises. Even when they unfold at the worst times."  Jack walked to the doctor. "Planet midnight?"

"A whole planet that orbits the sun so closely any living thing would be dead in seconds. Oh Jamie Lester, creator of the life form that nearly got me killed."  The doctor said shaking Jamie's hand.  "What are you talking about?!" I asked the doctor. "I have an idea. I'm getting everyone out of here. In the next 5 minutes maybe 9... 5 pills. Perfect." The doctor tossed his screwdriver in the air and unlocked the door.

Everyone, completely lost, watched as he confidently stepped in front of the prototypes. "The doctor's in, time to take your medicine."

"You- You doctor." a prototype struggled. The doctor managed to get the reversal pill into each prototype.

"How do you plan to take them if any living thing dies-" jack asked from the door.

"I'm taking a bus. Come on. That’s right follow the nice doctor." The doctor made the prototypes follow him to the tardis, at the other end of the room and just like that the tardis disappeared. I step all the way out of the room as the others celebrated. "He's gone." I sigh wishing he would have taking me with him. "Thats the doctor for you,He just leaves you mostly when he finds out you never can die.” Jack soughed “though I doubt he'll just leave you. How long have you known, the doctor?"  Jack said.

"A day. But i feel like i've known him for ages."

"First adventure? Its always the best." Just then the tardis materialized and the doctor steped out with a tourist visor that read. "Midnight"  as he steped toward me. "gotcha something." He smiled. Then placed the same type of visor on my head.

 I laughed. "Thank you, but you shouldn’t wear hats."

"What? I think I look amazing." The doctor and I began to walk toward the tardis. I turned around quickly, "bye captain!" I waved. Jack saluted me with Jamie by his side and I stepped into the tardis.

"This is-" Michel said as he walked around the tardis control room. "What- how'd you get in here?!" The doctor asked. "You left the door wide open..."

"Oh, thats new, i never do that." Michel wasn’t listening he was to buzy being amazed with the tardis. "Can I...come?"

Michel begged. "Come where?!"

"Anywhere!? I don't mind! This is a time machine! Two trips, one in the past, one in the future. Please!!" Michel begged as a child would. The doctor pressed a button’s and pulled levers and with a sigh . "Fine. And that’s. It."

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