13| He loves you!

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Bella, catching what she had said, closed her mouth and realization hits her face. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"Save it." I look away from her. "And friendly advice, next time learn to be contented with what you have. You're better than that." I head back to the  dark comfort of my room.

As I lay on my bed, looking up the ceiling I start to think about what Bella said. 'He packed his things and transferred to another country no one in hell knows of! He doesn't love you!'

"god. She's such a bitch." I say to myself and irritatingly chuckle. But she's right though.

Chance was my boyfriend for quite some time. We met when were in high school, we were your ideal "high school sweethearts". Everyone envied us, even the teachers did too. When we got into college he took business while I took medicine. Everything was going great until we had this fight about him going somewhere. I was totally fine with it at first but then, he wouldn't even tell me where he's going. He told me it was "really confidential".

Don't get me wrong Chance was an amazing guy, but sometimes he looks down on himself. Ever since the first time my parents met him he got traumatized, like a statues. I mean who wouldn't? Getting harassed by series of questions while being talk so lowly of.
My parents hated him. Not because of his looks because  trust me, he was gorgeous. But because they thought I needed to find a real man that can actually put a roof above my head. In other words, he just wasn't rich enough. He had no stockholders from buildings, his family didn't own shit, he was a scholar in Prep High.

But I didn't care, so I fought for I  what felt was right for me. Because that's what love does, it makes you move mountains without even realizing it.

When my parents knew Chance was leaving me one day, they celebrated like it was my wedding. No, correction? My sister's wedding. Because they loved her more than they ever loved me.

After Chance left business school to god knows where, I followed pursuit. I dropped out, angering my parents to the extent where I had to move out of the house. My parents called and called and eventually, they got tired trying to contact me.
I visit them once in a blue moon and my sister's the one who usually visits me. They call me the "depressed mess" everytime I visit them anyway.

Truth was. I really was depressed.
I went through the five stages of moving on because of him. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Wait. Make that four, because I'm still on the depression stage. What? Just because it seems like the end, doesn't mean the love ends. And that's what I'm doing right now, I'm trying to save the love we both know never ended. Well for me it didn't end. That's why I text him at least once a week, even though I know that he won't nor will ever reply. Hell, I don't even know if he still has the same number. He left without a word!

Pathetic, isn't it? Waiting for the love that you know will never come back, but you still give your all because of this thing called hope.

After two years of waiting and hoping, you'd probably think he came back and explained it all.

Nope, he didn't. He's still an asshole.

The same asshole that I'll be thanking one day. Because if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have dropped out of med school and pursued my passion for fashion. My parents weren't too keen on the idea, that's why I'm staying with Bella and God for sure knows I'm thanking her for letting me stay.

Speaking of Bella I should go and talk to her. After the fight and what she said earlier I'm going to make her buy dinner, because I damn straight deserve it.

I stand up from my bed and walk out of my door to go find Bella.

I find her in the living room sitting on the couch, eyebrows mushed together as if she's thinking. Hard. And I don't dismiss the puff on her face as if she'd been crying.

"Hey Bel. You okay? Cause it seems like your either thinking of killing me or thinking what to eat for diner." I joke, sitting beside her. 

"Bel?" I say, when she doesn't respond. I rub her back and she automatically flinches.

"We need to talk." She says, finally looking me straight in the eye.

"Look, I know it was wrong of me for accusing you of cheat-"

"You need to move out." Bella spits.

There is a minute of silence and then two, before I say, "I'm sorry, what? I think I didn't hear you correctly. Can please repea-"

"You're. Moving. Out. I can't handle any of this drama, Kat. You need to move on. I want you to be independent. I want you to be on your own for a while. You have to see that there are other guys out there, other guys that will actually text you back-" I glare at her. This is what's all of this about?

She's fucking kidding, right? Moving out? Because of Chance?

"Since when did me texting Chance ever bother you? Don't you think this is pathetic?" I whisper.

"You cry yourself to sleep at times Kat! And it irritates me. You act all strong and then you collapse. You need to be on your own right now!" She cries and stands up.

She takes a deep breath and exhales.

"Kat, I'm doing this for the both of us. It's not for me, it's for you." She wheezes.

For me? Is she seriously trying to pull off the "I'm doing what's best for the both of us" bullshit to me?

"Since when do you know what was best for me? In matter of fact. Why should you care about what you think is best for me? Just because I-"

"Kat please don't make this harder for me-"

"HARDER FOR YOU?! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO'S KICKING ME OUT." I exclaim, standing up. I take a deep breath to calm down but fail.  My heart's speeding a hundred km per second!

What shocks me the most is when she covers her eyes and cries some more.

I compose myself, feeling a lot shittier than I already am. "I'm sorry. It just that, I have no where else to go. My parents won't even accept me anymore." I say, sitting back down again.

"I know Kat. I know." She says, biting her lips. "But you'll find some place else."

Can't believe she's kicking me out. My best friend is kicking me out. The same best friend who stuck with me for twelve years. She's finally kicking me out.

She turns around and heads straight for her room. Before she closes the door, I hear her say, "In four days, I want you out of my apartment."

Four days?! Where do I find an available apartment in four days? I don't have enough savings for that! I don't even have a job!

I. Am. Doomed.

First of all, yes, Kat has a sister. Practically, her sister stays near their parent's house (which will be revealed soon).
Kat had a bad relationship before with Chance, that's why she sleeps around to avoid strings attached. Will she be able to fall in love again?
You think she'd fall for Calvin, right? (Remember, first love never dies) Hihihi we'll see.
And what has gotten into Bella? What do you think got her panties in a twist? Is she ____? 😱😱 (will be revealed soon)


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