Feelings [Chapter 1]

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Why am I feeling this way?

Twilight slowly trudged towards her pink, bubbly friend. She felt her cheeks heat up when she felt her arms wrap around her in a hug.

'Twilight! I'm sooooo happy you could make it!' she said as she tightened the hug. The pink mare had just thrown a party in celebration for Rarity and Applejack; the two had recently came together as a couple. Twilight smiled as she looked up at the party pony.

'Pinkie Pie, is it possible for you to let go of me before I suffocate?' she said. Pinkie looked down and let go; her cheeks reddened in embarrassment.


Pinkie grinned as she hopped over to the entrance to greet more ponies. Twilight watched as she felt herself heat up again.

Is it possible that I have feelings for the mare?

No; I'm the Princess of Friendship, not love! That's Cadence's job!

...Then why do I feel tingly?

The purple princess turned away as she shaded her eyes just after closing them. Her purple irises opened and shrank as she felt someone jump on her.

'Sup, egghead?'

'Rainbow Dash!'

The blue pegasus giggled as she climbed off of Twilight. Her magenta eyes glistened as she helped her friend up.

'You know, you're not very good at hiding. Covering your eyes isn't going to do any good.' Rainbow Dash frowned as she watched her purple friend shake her head.

'I-I wasn't hiding! The sun got in my eyes!'

'It's night time.'

Twilight looked out of the tinted window. She watched the moon sit as it watched the stars dance in the dark sky. She blushed.


Rainbow Dash giggled quietly. She turned around and waved at Twilight.

'I'll see you later, egghead. I'm going to go talk to Pinkie.'

Twilight felt her eyes widen a bit. She shook her head quickly to take away thoughts as she waved back at the rainbow mare. She watched Dash hurry over to her crush.



Twilight blushed gently. She turned around from the two and levitated a small cup. She filled the plastic item with punch before taking a sip. Questions mixed with thoughts as she took, once again, another sip. Still levitating the cup, she walked over to Rarity.

She had a question;

She needed answers.

I like you; I love you. (A TwiPie fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now