Chapter 1

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Hi, my name is Rebecca Mercedes Bolton, and this is probably going to be the most cliché "my life as a book" you will every stumble upon. I actually have no idea why I'm writing this, my life doesn't really matter that much. Anyways, my psychiatrist says it will help me cope with my past.  I don't know what she means by that.

If you haven't clicked out already, let me give you a brief introduction of who I am.

Well, you already learned my name, so we can skip over that part, right?  Currently, I am a few weeks away from turning 16, which isn't really that exciting. My favorite color is deep purple, and most kids at school would describe me as "the queer girl that sits by herself all the time".  Yes, I have friends. Okay, well maybe not. They have that part down. But the other part, about my being queer, is false. 

I spend most of my time indoors, because I prefer to be alone. Solitude. The only thing I hate to risk losing. I am an only child, living with my mother in a small house somewhere in the middle of nowhere. And lo and behold, I hate my life. I wish I could take back all of the things that happened, all the choices I made in the past, but I can't. And I hate myself for it.

Anyways, let's get back to the point. Another thing that makes up who I am as a person is my thoughts. I will get into that later, but for right now you should know that I have a case of depression, anxiety, and suicidal tendencies. Now that I made you stay for at least a couple pages longer, let's get right into exploiting the entirety of my life story.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2016 ⏰

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