Chapter One

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  Today I was staying at the family's house with my adorable nephew and niece since Kourtney was busy,so for today i had to take care of Mason and Penelope.
As usual,cameras were filming my every move,currently i was making breakfast for the kids,i made some scrambles eggs,pancakes and some juice then went to bring them to the dining room.
"Kids it's time for breakfast" I said soon they came running in their cute pj's and took turn to give me a kiss on the cheek, we all sat around the table and i had to feed each one of them while making sure they don't spill juice all over the floor.
"Okay so who's ready to go to the amusement park?" I said as they clapped their hands in excitement,we went to the room so i can dress them up then went to prepare myself as well.
I wore and put my hair up in a ponytail then grabbed my keys and helped the three kids inside the car as cameras followed us once again.
We arrived to the amusement park with security around us,i had Mason holding my left hand while Penelope was holding my right one.
I spent the whole morning playing with the kids and eating sweets just basically having fun. It was lunch time so we went back to the house to find Kourtney already back.
"You're back early" I said as i sat on the sofa while the kids ran to their mother kissing her.
"We finished work early"
I nodded my head and turned the tv on scrolling through channels when i felt Kourtney sit next to me on the couch.
"I heard you're preparing for your fourth album, got any songs ready?"
"No,not yet. I have no idea what to write about"
"You need to see your man,it's been a long time since you've last seen each other"
"I guess you're right......speak of the devil, he's calling me right now"
I answered the phone and sprinted to my room as Kourtney giggled at my reaction. I held the phone to my ear.
"I miss you so much babe" He said
"Me too, i'm sorry that i can't be by your side"
"It's okay,I know you're busy with the album"
We talked some more hours,and i couldn't be more happier. Me and Chandler have been secretly dating for seven months now. People know that i have a boyfriend but they don't know his name or what he does.
After ending the call with him,i took out my notebook and a pen then started writing random lyricswhile thinking about Chandler and i let out all the emotions and feelings that i feel for him and that's "Love", we may of have been dating for seven months but we still haven't said those three special words.

  I love you (3 times)

Baby,i love you, you are my life
Cause i'm dangerously in love with you.

I put down my pen on the desk and smiled to my self in satisfaction,i looked at the clock it's now 2pm. I guess i was too focused on my writing just then i heard a soft knock on my door and i yelled a loud "come in" to however was behind that door and hid that paper. Mason came into my room and i took him in my arms making him sit on my lap.
"Mommy told me to bring you to the living room and" I raised my eyebrow and nodded my head holding the little fella in my arms and walked to the room where Kourtney was sitting with Scott.
"What do you..........." I stopped and took a look at the man infront of me,i broke into a huge smile before i jumped into his arms.
We went back to my room,i was smiling from ear to ear because i was happy to be with my man.
"I missed you so much" He said looking down at me before leaning in and kissing my lips softly, i wrapped my arms around his neck then pulled away so i can showw him the song that i wrote about him.
"Here read this". He took the paper with a confused look on his face but soon he broke into a huge grin then looked at me. "You love me?" He asked and i nodded my head, he pulled into his lap kissing my forehead.
"God i love you too"
I hugged him tightly and the rest of the night was pretty much history.

  We woke up today quite early so we can go to the studio, he drove us there and we got inside to find my manager Jacob and the producer discussing some stuff about the album.
"Hey Jacob,i missed you" I said hugging him. " I missed you too Boo,who is this fine piece?" He whispered in my ear refering to Chandler,well Jacob is gay so i wont blame him.
"That's my boyfriend" I said and he nodded.
I took the lyrics and got inside the booth, Chandler was facing me while sitting on the sofa, i took a deep breath and started recording my new song "Dangerously in love.
"That was amazing baby". He pecked my lips,i was so happy that he liked the song.
After spending nearly all day at the studio,we returned to the family's house and North was throwing a fit because she wanted to get the same shirt as Penelope, i made my way to the room and Mason asked Kourtney if he can sleep with me tonight.
We put him between us and both of the boys cuddled up to my side which made me feel like we were a happy little family.  

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