Chapter Three

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"What is going on?" I asked confused. "Well sweetie, your so called boyfriend is having fun with another woman while you are away from him" She said and i was shocked at what i just heard.
"No, that can't be he is in Dallas" I said. "No he isn't,he is in New York having fun with a women that apparently isn't you" She said iand i felt tears in my eyes but quickly wiped them away. "How can i trust you?" I asked her."Trust me or not, i don't care i just wanted you to know that you're being cheated on" She said and i asked her to give me his adress and she did then hanged up.
I hesitated before grabbing my car key's and driving to the hotel.
The receptionist gave me the key to the room that "some" woman had left on her desk. I stood waiting infront of the elevator when some guy bumped into me making me fall flat on my bottom.
"I'm really sorry miss,here let me help you" he said and handed me his hand and i grabbed it as he pulled me up and i smacked right into his muscly chest and my eyes met his blue ones that took my breath away.
"Wait you are Leonardo Dicaprio?" I asked and he nodded.
"And you are Kayla Kardashian" He said.
I kept on staring into his eyes when the beep that came from the elevator brought me back into life.We both got on it and clicked on the same floor, an awkward silence filled the elevator.
"Are you staying in this hotel?" He suddenly asked me which took me by surprise, i cleared my throat and replied to him. "No,i'm just visiting a friend" I lied, then the elevator stopped and i quickly went out then started searching for the room with the 101 number on it. Leo was still following me and he suddenly stopped infront of the same roomand i rose my eyebrows. What is going on?
"I think we're visiting the same friend" He said from behind me and with shaking hands i took out the key and openned the door to the room.
Then it all hit me,he was cheating on me and i saw everything with my own eyes.
"Kayla? Baby,it's not what it looks like" He said walking towards me. I looked at him with a disgusted look on my face and i suddenly raised my hand and slapped him.
"Don't you dare baby me Chandler, it's all clear now. I fucking hate you" I said before leaving that bloody room and i couldn't hold it anymore before i fell to my knees and broke down crying.
"Shhh,it's gonna be okay sweety. Don't cry" Said Leo as he hugged me to his chest stroking my hair. I clinged onto him like a baby koala bawling my eyes out. I had no idea what i was doing at that moment but the only thing i knew is that i was truly heart broken.

"Should i drive you back to the hotel?" Leo asked as he sat next to me at this hotel's bar. "No i'll just stay here and have a drink" I said sipping my beer. "But it's getting late" He said. "I don't care if you wanna go just go, but staying in here" I said"I'm staying with you, i can't leave you alone. I'm also heartbroken you know." He said."Why are you heartbroken?" I asked. 'Well, that girl you saw in the room is my girlfriend,i mean ex-girlfriend" He said and i gasped.
"Oh my god so we're both have been cheated on" I said while looking into distance then ordered myself some more liquor and drank like i've never did before, soon Leo joined in my drinking"party" getting wasted as weell. I tried to look around but everything was so blurry but then re-openned my eyes and there was the love of my life infront of my face.
"Now i lost all chances of getting married" I sighed."Let's get married" He suggested and that was the last thing that i remember from last thing and all the rest is history.

I woke up with a huge headache and then i realised that i was laying in a different bed and someone was sleeping next to me.
"Good morning Mrs Dicaprio" I turned to see who was talking and it turned out to be Jacob and another man sitting next to him.
"What are you doing here?" I asked him. "Do you remember anything from last night?" He asked."No i don't Jacob"I said suddenly the other man spoke up. "Miss Kayla,let me introduce myself. I'm Brad Lowenski Leonardo's manager"He said and i shook his hand then looked at my manger with a confused look on my face.
"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?"I shouted at Jacob. "Ugggh, can you stop shouting?" Leo sat up straight while holding his head in his hands.
"Get ready for breakfast,i will explain everything" said Brad and i sighed.

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