Part Four. [4]

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I woke up alone, sighing I leaned over and grabbed my phone from the floor. Dead, I plugged it into the wall and got out of bed and went downstairs, there sat Jake on his phone eating eggs.

He glanced up at me and grinned back down at his food.

"Wondering when you'd wake up," he said flashing a smile at me.

"Oh please, I doubt you've been awake long," I scoffed at him, feigning annoyance.

"I've been awake too long without you, " he said.

I spilled some milk that id been pouring into my cereal. I set it down and choked back tears.

Too long without you

Does he even mean that? Does he realize he's been gone for more than a  year? Does he have the fucking audacity to..

"Well now I'm here," I told him, leaning across the counter to give him a peck on the cheek before digging in.

"Thank God," he said with his mouth full.

He smiles and throws his bowl in the sink, kisses me on the cheek and runs upstairs.

I stare down at my bowl and force myself to continue eating, knowing if I dont eat I'll regret it later.

Ever since he'd left, I devolped an eating disorder. Sort of like a morbid way of coping with his disappearance. Whenever I thought about him, I got hunger pains because I never ate, or I puked up what little I had somehow stomached for a few hours.

I hear the shower running from upstairs I decide to clean later.

I lean back against the wall and take a minute to breath.

Is this real?
Is this happening?
Is He really back?
Does He love me?

I groan and open the freezer, grab a shot glass from the cabinet and pour myself a quick drink.

Just to calm yourself, nothing else,

I think to myself throwing my head back, relishing in the feeling of liquid hell and heaven in my throat and chest before tossing the shot glass in the sink and putting the bottle back in the freezer.

The water shuts off as im headed upstairs. I go ahead into my room, headed for my bathroom.

Mine Mine Mine

Is it ours again?

I shake my head clear of that thought and go into the bathroom, turning on the water, flashing him a smile, and undressing.

"Got time to get dirty?" I ask with a mischievous grin and a wink as I step into the steam.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2017 ⏰

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