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One - Diana

"So how many of you are single, it can be a bit difficult to keep up sometimes," the interviewer asked, and I felt my heart sink.

It'd been nearly a week since I'd shunned Diana out of my life and changed all the locks, but as far as the rest of the world knew, things between us were better than ever.

I watched as Niall's hand shot up, and I looked across at Liam who nodded at me, as if to say it was time they knew. With a heavy sigh, I rose my hand little above my head, and the interviewers eyes widened at my silent confession.

"Harry, I thought you were with Diana," she stated, sounding slightly shocked.

"Things happen, it's never plain sailing," I told her with a shrug, making myself seem so much more comfortable with the situation than I really was.

"So Harry and Niall are the only single ones then? How hard is it to maintain your relationships when you're on the road so much?" 

I looked at Louis who let a heavy breath out through his nostrils and had a tight smile on his face. Those kinds of questions were difficult for him to begin to answer, due to the complexity of his relationship with Eleanor. 

Before everything had become kind of crazy for us, back when we were almost nobodies on The X-Factor, Louis and I had . . fooled around a little. We were young, and we spent nearly every moment in each others front pockets, so it wasn't surprising that we experimented a little with each other, but it never went much further than that. I always had a softer spot in my heart for him though, although I never addressed it. We weren't overly subtle about everything though, which lead so many of our fans to start thinking up things that worried our management, for whatever reason. I didn't quite understand how having a gay member or two in the band would be bad, but they insisted it would be, and that was when Louis was introduced to Eleanor. 

Their relationship wasn't exactly fake, but it wasn't what everyone thought. She was a friend of ours, of all of us, and she was doing her part in fulfilling our managements wishes, but it all got a little complicated when interviewers asked tricky questions, because he had to think about the answer for a lot longer than normal.

"It puts a lot more strain on the relationship, but the girl's understand, especially Perrie seeing as she lives the same kind of lifestyle we do," Liam answered on behalf of Louis and Zayn.

"Right, so getting back to you, Harry, what happened between you and Diana? It was coming up a year, am I right?" the interviewer asked, her eyes drifting back to me.

"Yeah, almost a year," I nodded, irritated that she'd brought the interview back to what had happened between Diana and myself, because I didn't want to talk about it.

"That's quite a long time, so what was it that happened?" she pressed.

I kind of just stared blankly at her for a few moments because I didn't know what I was supposed to say. Louis noticed my hesitance, and in an attempt to change the direction of the conversation, he pushed Liam off the side of the sofa we were sitting on.

The other lads laughed, especially Niall, and I cracked a smile because I knew the cameras were trained on my face. If I looked miserable at something that would have usually made me laugh, the fans would know that there was something seriously wrong, and some kind of story would materialize that was miles from the truth.

"What was that for?" Liam groaned, getting back to his feet and rubbing his backside.

"Sorry mate, uh can we take a break? I'm busting for a wee," Louis said, looking at the interviewer with arched eyebrows.

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