Chapter 2: Infirmatory

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Max's Chapter 2:

"Max, hey Max!" Damian shouted shaking my fuzzy shoulders. I barked and snapped at him.

"Leave me alone," I thought to him. He ignored me and continued shaking me.

I stood up and growled at him. "What?"

"Oh nothing, I'm just surprised you actually listened," he took a subway sandwich out of his bag and threw it at my paws. I shot him a confused look. "Don't you want to eat real food and not berries for once."

He looked around the small cave. He picked up the empty can of fruit and examined it, "Or expired canned fruit."

My eyes widened. Oops. I nodded my large head and began to eat the sub.

"Why don't you shift?"

I rolled my eyes and shifted. I quickly pulled on the shorts and continued eating the sandwich. "This is so good..." I said in between bites.

The delicious ham, olives, lettuce and turkey was amazing. It had been the best meal I had ever had.

"So," I swallowed and continued, "Have you found "The One" yet?"

He exhaled and smiled, "I actually have."

I scrunched up my face and continued to eat the sandwich, "Who is she?"

"Mackenzie," I nodded my head remembering her. "It was strange. I mean she didn't believe me until she turned sixteen. I guess guys know before the girls shift."

"That is weird," I finished my sandwich. "Do you have a cookie?"


"What, no cookie?" he nodded, "Ass, I know you ate it."

"Nope," he threw the sugar cookie at me.

"Cookie!" I shouted over excitedly. "I love cookies..."

"After you're done do you want to go for a run?" I nodded and quickly finished the cookie.

I shifted. "Shit, I forgot to take off my pants. Damn it." Damian began to laugh in a weird wolf laugh.

"Let's run to the edge of the forest," he suggested.

I agreed and stood in a race position. "Three, two, one, GO!" He started out in front of me. I quickly caught up to him avoiding an oncoming tree.

He kicked some dirt in my face. And I bit his tail. He let out a yelp and I took it as an opportunity to advance in front of him.

"Cheater!" he barked at me from behind. I rolled my eyes and turned my face towards him.

"Haha, and I'm not a chea-" In that moment of looking back I managed to run right into a tree. Damian laughed and continued running. I could see him run across the tree line and take off to the other side of the road.

I shook myself off and true to catch up to him. I quickly took off across the road hoping no cars were coming.

I turned my head to the side in the nic of time to see a car slam into my side.

Everything went down in slow motion. The air was nocked out of me and I was flung across the road.

I probably looked like a rag doll. To make things worse I had shifted which intensified my pain. I let out a scream.

Damian started to run towards me but retreated back into the woods. Confused and in pain I tried to stand up but i fell back to the ground in agonizing pain.

Someone came up to me

"Hey, you okay?" a feminant voice asked shaking my shoulder. I winced at the pain.

"Haley, he's alive! Well, barely," she yelled, very loudly. I opened my eyes to see her stand back. I wrapped my hand around her wrist keeping her with me.

I started coughing. Blood came out of my mouth, "D... Don't leave me," I pleaded. I looked into the girl's hazel eyes. She had to be the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. Mate, my insides screamed at me. She must have not been sixteen because I didn't seem to affect her at all.

"What's your name?" she asked me.

"Max," I said looking into her gorgeous eyes, "And you?"

"Danielle," she took off her black sweatshirt and placed it over my lower half.

"Thanks," I smirked a little bit embarrassed for my lack of clothing and closed my eyes. I was tired and upset that she didn't know who I was. I knew her from somewhere else, but where?

"Max? Are you awake?" Danielle asked frantically.

"Mmhmm, I'm just tired," I spoke softly. She took her hand and brushed some of my hair out of my eyes. The trail of sparks that she gave me were amazing. I felt safe benieth her touch and slipped into sleep.


I woke up in an infirmary. I searched around the room and saw Damian sitting in a chair.

"Damian, where are we?" I asked sitting up. I winced at the pain that shot up through my body.

"You're at the pack's hospital."

I began to get up out of bed, "Damian, I can't be here." I panniced. "Damian get me out of here!" I shouted at him.

"Dude calm down," he ran to my side and pushed me back into bed, "It's not even our old packs hospital. It just so happens that of all people that my mate could have been, she was the Alpha's daughter. Which means I am now currently the Alpha of the Willow pack."

"Oh that's right. I forgot all about Mackenzie being the Alpha's kid," he smiled in his newly gained Alpha authority. "Don't you have to deal with Alpha shit now and not frolicking with little wolves?"

He laughed and leaned up against the wall, "I don't have to deal with that stuff twenty-four-seven."

I let out a slight laugh and looked around the room again, "Where's Danielle? Where the hell is she?" I flipped out. I think I gained some bipolar issues. I knew I was being over protective but she's my mate and I just let her get away.

"The girl that hit you?" I nodded. He continued laughing, "It was kind of funny. She got sedated and brought to a hospital." he laughed and quickly stopped.

I shot him a stern look, "How is that funny?" I grabbed his neck and squeezed.

"D-dude," he coughed, "Max! Let go!"

I regained control of my senses, "Shit, I'm sorry."

He scratched the back of his head, "Nah, don't be, I would have reacted the same." Damian looked lost in thought. His eyebrows furrowed and he continued, "I've got an idea, it may sound stupid but I'm 75% sure it will work."

"Hit me."

He thought a little and sat down beside me on the bed, "So you know how lots of people like dogs?"


"Well since us werewolves get a special power, mine just so happens to be hypnosis."

"...and?" I asked getting impatient. I needed to be with her. I needed to know she was okay.

"Well I can hypnotize her parents into buying her a wolf... You get what I'm saying?" He smiled and nudged me with his elbow. I took a moment to register his thought.

"That's the smartest thing you've ever said since I've met you," I smirked. He patted me on the shoulder and began to retreat out of the room.

He stopped at the door and turned to face me, "So it's a go on the plan?"

I nodded my head, "The sooner the better. Oh and I saw remember her license plate number."

"That's good 'cause I have no idea where the hell she lives," he laughed and I told him the number.

"And her name is Danielle," what a beautiful name to match with a beautiful girl.

He knelt his head for agreement and left the room.

I smiled to myself and thought about Danielle.

"I hope this will work," I told myself and laid back into the pillow. I fell to sleep within minutes.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2012 ⏰

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