Chapter 1: Forest

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Chapter 1: Forest

Info on Max:


Six feet five

Hazel eyes

Curly brown hair

-Max's wolf-


Hazel eyes

I had been on the run for quite some time at this point. I wasn't seeking any particular point of interest. I just wanted to get away from everyone.

I was considered a rouge by the packs I would pass by. Tired from running I decided to stop in a small cave. The woods I was in now were still partly in my old packs territory. I didn't want to stray to far away even though I didn't want anything to do with the pack. I guess I would be home sick if I left.

That's besides the point. I needed to go away from here. I crouched down and crawled into the cave. It was big enough for me to lay down in.

I tucked my head under my tail. My wolf was fairly young which kinda sucked right now. Instead of a tall lean body my wolf was just a little fluff ball.

We turn into wolves on the first full moon after our sixteenth birthday. Our wolves age a lot slower than a normal wolf. Well of course we aren't normal.

I curled myself into a tight ball and slipped into sleep.


"Hey!" I heard someone scream. I jumped to my feet startled and barked.

"Excuse me, but you're in my cave." A large skunk popped it's head in.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I scrambled myself outside of the cave. No wonder it smelt weird in there.

My eyes adjusted to the outside world. It was around noon. Not a good start for the day. My stomach rumbled on que.

"Shut up," I told myself. I walked for around five minutes before finding myself some berries. I shifted into my human body.

The shorts were still tied to my ankle thankfully. I pulled them over my bare skin.

I sat on a large decaying log and began to eat some black berries. Living constantly in the woods wasn't my preference. I wasn't a higher class rank wolf so my senses weren't as high as theirs. I won't even start about my hunting skills. Let's just say I suck.

I finished the berries and continued through the forrest. I began humming the safety dance to pass the time. Humming became more of a bad singing. I can't sing, at all.

"We can dance if we want to, we can leave your friends behind, 'Cause if your friends don't dance and if they don't dance, well they're no friends of mine!" I belted out not caring I anyone was listening. Hopefully no one was listening, I thought to myself.

"Nice singing," I turned and faced a very familiar person leaning against a tree.

"You're just jealous," I responded. "How've you been Damian?"

"Eh, everything's about the same, and you?"

I shrugged, "Well besides the fact that my diet is based off of berries and I am on my own, everything's the same."

"This is like the first time you've worn shorts since we were around eight years old. You've out grown your spiderman ones I take it?" he laughed a little.

"I completely forgot about those things," I scrunched up my nose at the thought.

"Max?" Damian asked in a stern voice.

"Yeah," I leaned against a tree.

"Why'd you leave?"

I thought for a moment. Remembering why I had left was hard on me. I hadn't thought about it for almost a year until now. I simply shrugged off what he said avoiding the pained memories.

"Hey I got to go, meet me by that waterfall we used to swim at tomorrow. Okay?" I nodded and waved to him as he ran off in the opposite direction I was heading.

I decided to head towards the waterfall right away. I didn't have that great of a tracking sense in either wolf or human.

I suck at everything.

I shifted into my smallish wolf. It had gotten a little bit bigger since I had last shifted. Strange, everything was a little clearer too. I could see further and not to mention my sense of hearing. I could hear the slight trickling of creek near by.

My legs took me towards the water. When I reached it I bent my head down and took large gulps of water.

I took a moment to admire the rusty wolf that stared straight back at me. I don't have any fancy markings or anything special of the sort. I let out a sigh and began tracing the water upstream. Hopefully leading to the waterfall.

"Haha!" I heard a faint child laughter. It sounded as if it were upstream a few hundred yards. I took off towards it. Sprinting between the trees and over fallen branches.

I crept up behind a tree and sat down. The child was in my view. But I was not in his. He was playing with his parents. A man who I assumed was his dad had grabbed him and placed him on his shoulders.

"Again, again!" the toddler laughed. At an instant the dad began spinning around in circles. The young mom was casually taking pictures of the two.

This made me angry and sad. I missed it when I was a child. Everything was so easy and carefree.

And I remember something else. I remembered being that age and running around pretending I was an airplane with a toddler female werewolf. I had a crush on her and I gave her my first kiss.

I can't remember he name but she had been my best friend. That is until hunters took her.

I shook my head a little to bring me back to reality.

I slowly crept away from them and continued upstream. I eventually found the small waterfall from my childhood. I sniffed around it and came to a cave enterance. Damian and I used to hide things in the cave.

I proceeded into the cave to find old cans of food and a spiderman mask. I can honestly say that I was obsessed with spiderman when I was little.

I grabbed the canned fruit in my jaw and bit down. It was the best thing I had tasted in months.

I finished it quickly and stepped back outside. It had gotten dark. I walked back in and curled up into a ball.

It was nice that someone still cared enough to talk to me still. With that thought in mind I fell asleep with a goofy wolf smile on my face.


Hey guys this is Max's point of view in Did Your Boyfriend Just Growl At me?

I am so excited to be writing about him!!!

Anyway, thanks for reading both this and my other story.






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