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Perrie POV:

After helping Cait revise I go over to Jades, we haven't seen each other alone in ages.

"Hey Jadey."

"Well this is a lovely surprise, come on in baba." I walk in and sit on her sofa.

"Addi still with her sister?"


"You found a good one there Pez, you should keep her."

"I'm planning on it." I laugh. " So what's happening with you my little poopey?"

"Nothing much just chilling before tour starts up again."

"Hows your niece and nephew?"

"All good, my nephew still says you're the best girlfriend."

"Bless him."

"I know he's such a sweetheart."



"You think Addi and I will be ok?"

"Of course you will, what makes you ask that?"

"Just everything we've been through, she can't even go out with family without being papped now."

"Babe you know she loves you and what's different about her is that she loves you for you and not for anything else, that's rare these days."

"I'm lucky aren't I?"

"Very and she's good for you too, I haven't seen you this happy in a long time."

"How's things with Jed?"

"Not great to be honest, it's hard not seeing each other all time, at least your girl can come on tour with you."

"Hey just because she's on tour doesn't mean I get to see her as much as I'd like, we're always busy and so is she."

"You see her more than any of us see our boyfriends."

"Now I feel bad."

"Don't I'm only messing with ya." Jade laughed pulling me into a hug.

"Jade you almost gave me a heart attack I thought you hated me or something."

"How could I ever hate you?"

"Well I'm glad you don't because you're my best friend and my sister."

"Always and forever baba no matter what." My phone buzzes and it's a text from Addi saying she got home okay.

"I better go I need to get my girl prepared for her surprise tonight."

"What surprise?"

"Oh well I know she loves The Saturdays so I arranged for the girls to do a special performance for her at mine."

"Off you go then, have a good night Pezza."

At home I get greeted by a very happy Addi. "I missed you." I kiss her and we have about an hour together before the doorbell goes. "Okay stay here I'll be back." I run downstairs and let my friends and my girlfriends idols in.

"Hi girls thanks for saying you'd do this."

"Anything for a fellow girl band member." Mollie replied, I show them into the living room and give them a minute to sort themselves out and I bring my girlfriend down.

Addison POV:

Perrie covers my eyes and takes me downstairs and then uncovers my eyes and I see my five idols sat on Perrie's sofa.

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