Azmuth and Izarra

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((5hiw chapter doesn't want to post properly or maybe its just not showing up on mine properly? TAT

The ride was a quiet one as the passengers took turns sleeping however they eventually they arrived at their destination, a brightly colored planet overrun by flora, filled with dangerous fauna and lacking a proper civilization and possible devoid of sentient life naturally,the planet currently didn't have a name as Azmuth is 'too busy to come up with one' and the only signs of civilization were Azmuths' labs, the only safe place to land and leave a ship was Azmuths' first lab which unfortunately he doesn't use anymore, and he hasn't gotten around to building any sort of transit system so they would have to trek all the way over to his current lab.

After they landed and made sure the ship was securely parked in the basement they all got out and took the elevator up, stretching and yawning, Ben sighed "at least the long walk will give us plenty of time to fully wake up" he said trying to be optimistic "why did we leave Verdona behind again? If we get into a fight her experience as an anodite would make things go a lot smoother, or maybe she could just teleport us there" Kevin grouched, the last time they had been here a strange tiger like animal had literally drug him through the mud which meant he had to trek the mile or so smelling horrible and weighing about ten pounds more, needless to say he was not happy.

The quick ride up to ground level in the elevator and made Ani nervously grab hold of Ben which caused a laugh, when they reached the top Ben awkwardly tried to disengage from Ani's grip the best he could do was convince her to only hold his hand, Kevin had decided this was the most hilarious thing and seemed intent in keeping Bens face a bright red the whole walk, during which Ani would look amazedly look around at everything and often dragged Ben over to show him something not only that but after hearing Kevin call him Benny once she had decided to call him that as well, "Benny look at this! Oo Benny what's that?!" Kevin mocked then he burst into laughter, Gwen rolled her eyes at their antics but smiled and Rook seemed to not know how to react so he unsuccessfully tried to ignore them and keep an eye on the area around them. They had a reached a half way point and had decided to take a break next to a clear stream of water which Ani insisted on splashing around in, they were about to head out again when Ani's cry of surprise caused them all to turn ready to fight only to find she had fallen into a mud pit, there was a collective sigh and after pulling her out they decided to give her and Gwen some space so that Gwen could get her clean off a bit, "ugh why does this planet have to be so dang hot?!" Ben finally yelled out of annoyance, he had long since taken off his hoodie and tied it around his waist and they had all cooled off at the stream but it had only taken a few minutes before they were covered in sweat again, Rook seemed the worst off and had to lay on the ground to keep cool, "Ben..." Gwen called jogging into sight "Ugh what is it now?!" He snapped then he realized Ani wasn't with her and his annoyance immediately switched to worry "where's Ani?" He asked, Gwen dropped a soaking wet suit to the ground, Ben and Rook had ditched theirs before leaving planet but they had Ani keep hers on due to lack of better clothes, "Something spooked her when I was rinsing the mud off and she climbed a tree and refuses to come down, and by climbed a try I mean she switched into her mana form and flew to the very top of it" Gwen explained,there was a collective sigh of impatience from the group "I'll go get her I guess... Wait she is wearing clothes right?" Ben paused and looked and Gwen who nodded "yeah she's still wearing that weird suit thing" Ben nodded and jogged off back to the spring. He reached the spring and easily spotted Ani high up in the trees "Ani! Its Ben, can you come down here?!" He called up, she didn't seem to hear so Ben gave a drawn out sigh and began the long climb up, when he reached the upper branches they became thinner and began sagging dangerously beneath his weight and it was then that he realized she was flying slightly above the tree curled into a fetal position, Ben looked around then broke off the top piece of the tree and stepped in its place balancing on one foot, he reached up and tried to grab her almost falling "Ani, can you hear me?" He called to her again and again got no response, he grit his teeth and after another quick check of his surroundings, he jumped up and grabbed her in his arms. Expecting to hit against a branch he immediately tensed up and readied himself to grab a branch, however he found there was no need as they both floated down gently, when they hit the ground Ben looked and Ani and patted her cheek "Ani?" He whispered, she whimpered and curled up smaller, "hey hey its okay its me, you know... Benny?" He blushed slightly at the name but it seemed to finally get her attention "Benny..?" She asked looking up at him as if waking up, he nodded "yeah its me, are you okay?" He asked, she buried her face in his chest and cried fearfully.

Ben said nothing and simply held her as she cried, once she was cried out the sun had gone down quite a bit and so he wiped her tears and helped her onto his back and he started off towards the others, when he reached where they had been waiting he saw they had decided to go on ahead of them so he continued on towards the base. As they went Ani began to perk up a bit as she began pointing things out to Ben, she stayed in anodite form however and the bright blue glow helped keep them from taking a tumble more than once however it also attracted lighting bugs which caused her to laugh gleefully which in turn made Ben grin, as the sun went fully down her started to deviate from the path a bit to show her the bioluminescent plants of the forest, the last stretch took longer than necessary but they eventually saw Azmuths lab looking in the distance, Ani pointed it out then dropped off Bens back and began walking next to him again holding his hand, it took him a moment to realize they were now both floating the rest of the way which was good because all the walking had his feet aching.

When they reached the observatory area at the top they saw Gwen, Kevin, Rook, and Azmuth all waiting for them, Azmuth oddly enough seemed the most worried and was pacing back and forth on top a desk filled with various inventions, blueprints, calculations, and other such papers, Anis eyes widened as they entered the room and she immediately began flying around to investigate all of the interesting inventions "thank goodness you two are alright" Gwen said walking over to Ben, "yeah Ani... She just needed some emotional support I guess" he scratched his head and watched her flit around the room "Ani and Benny sittin in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G" Kevin stared, Ben glared but before he could say anything Azmuth spoke "Izarra? Is that really you?" He stared at Ani with a mixture of emotions, first and foremost shock, Ani turned slowly and gave him a confused and curious look as if she knew the name but couldn't place where she'd heard it before, "Izarra, who's Izzara? We've been calling her Ani, we found her at the base and she doesn't seem to have any previous memories" Ben said looking between the two of them, Azmuth sighed and lowered his head slightly "Her name is Izarra, and for a time I raised her" Azmuths statement caused a heavy silence to fall on everyone expect the girl in question who was fiddling with one of the machines.

Gwen finally broke the silence "what exactly do you mean you raised her? What about her parents?" She asked, Azmuth shrugged "I have never been able to locate them, a guard found her wandering around half dead from a ship crash, she was only around ten at the time, in fact Ben met her briefly the same day I met her" when the others looked at Ben he shrugged, "I tried to return the child to her people the anodites but she insisted on staying on planet until her parents came for her, another galvin was charged with caring for her but she often snuck into my lab to watch me work, she had a curious mind and was mostly quiet so I didn't often feel the need to run her away, it was by pure chance that you practically never saw her, I taught her a few things and eventually she became something of an assistant and even more so after the albedo incident and after she had grown. I often asked her to run off planet erands as she wanted to see the universe and learn everything she could, and I simply needed materials, overtime I even grew fond of her however it was this which caused me to send her to retrieve a prototype called the dimitrix which as you have discovered lead to her capture and being tortured for information" Azmuth turned away to fiddle with an experiment "wait a dimitrix? What on Earth is a Dimitrix?" Gwen asked both to steer the conversation away from the touchier subject of Ani-or uhm Izarra's capture and out of genuine curiosity "Also you mentioned that I met her before?" Azmuth turned to face them again "Yes though she looked much different then, and to answer your question Gwendolyn the Dimitrix was created with the intention of being a partner to the Omnitrix it has a special feature that when in proximity with the Omnitrix it syncs with it allowing the user of the Dimitrix to use the aliens unlocked with the Omnitrix and it helps suggest which aliens would best be suited for supporting whichever alien you, Ben, have chosen at the time" Azmuth looked at each of them then focused on Ani-Izarra "What is she doing?" He pointed to her where she was meticulously taking apart one of the strange contraptions, Ben walked over to her "Ani what are you doing?" He tried to stop her but she pulled away silently as she began putting the machine back together, Azmuth quickly made hid way to where she was to watch her work "Is she.. Fixing it?" Rook asked as he and Kevin gathered as well.

Ani finished putting it back together then she slipped the panel back into place and pressed a button, a small beam of light shit out the top and hit a series of mirrors in such away that it created a map of sorts in the air above them "hmm I hadn't thought of putting the flux compressor next to the argtonian shard" Azmuth mused "okay now you're just making up words" Ben muttered as they all moved to the center of the room to properly view it.

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