202. Opposites

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202. Opposites: Write a poem or story that ties in together two opposites.

I shouldn't love him.

In my mind I know that. It is blaringly apparent that we are too different: He likes the outdoors. I prefer someplace with a powerful air conditioner. He wants to a job requiring lots of movement and activity. I am most attracted to desk jobs. He is quiet. I am loud.

We are different. I know that. Yet somehow... somehow I think it might work.

His steadiness would counter my flightiness. His good sense would ground my dreaming. His strength would cover my weakness.

We could work.

They say opposites attract. Sometimes I shake my head at that statement, but with me and him, it could be true. He is the logical one, while I am the creative one.

I want it to be so. I have rarely wanted anything more.

In a weird way, we mesh. He is mostly serious and occasionally silly. I am mostly silly and occasionally serious. Yet we talk about anything and everything, and even though we see the world in different lights, I think his view is still beautiful, even being so strange and foreign to me.

We like different music and movies, but half of our tastes coincide. We have different hobbies, but we both love to create with our hands -- he does wordshop and I do crafts. We have the same ideas of fun -- going out dancing with friends being top of the list. We both don't complain unless we're desperate -- although, I'm not so sure this is a good trait for both people in a relationship to have. We both love God.

One time, we were sitting in a class about physical and romantic relationships. The teacher was taking suggestions from the students about what they wanted in a partner. He called on me; mine was that my family had to approve. (Like any guy they didn't approve of could get past my brothers anyway.) Although the boy sitting next to me that I allude to raised his hand, he was never called on.

That's another thing about him: He doesn't push. Sometimes people don't see him, and he is ostensibly okay with that. He's confident enough that he doesn't need to be heard.

I asked him later what he was going to say.

"Oh, uh, I was going to say 'puts others before herself,'" he said.

"That's a good one," I said, but I was silently thinking, Another thing we agree on.

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