Chapter 1

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(written August 26, 2016)


-17 years later-

"B.B. Quinn!" My mother yells from downstairs and I follow her voice.

"What mama," I ask

"Me and your father is going on a mission so don't stay in trouble" there was silence for a few seconds before we both break out in laughter.

She sighs,"I'm just kidding baby, go blow up a house or something" and she kisses my cheek then leaves.

What should I do today? Maybe steal another car? Break into somebody's house?

My father, the joker, is straight up crazy while my mama is crazy but she's got fighting skills.

I got my mamas fighting skills but I have a cool talent of sense if somebody is lying. I also picked up how to get into people's minds on my own. My parents don't really know about the last one. I put on some leggings and a tank top.

I walk out of the house and head for the streets of Gotham city. Ah, what a wonderful place to be.

Anyways, I have brown straight hair and green eyes. 

For my missions, I wear something like my mama. My outfit is all green and blue.

I wear a tight half green half blue shirt with shorts that are also half green and blue. When my mama picked my outfit, she wanted me to be like a mini her. Although my father didn't approve of the shorts because they were like my mothers, very short. On my feet I wear a simple pair of converse, sometimes I wear black heels but only for special missions.

While my mama has a bat, and my father has a gun, I got my mind. My father calls himself a genius but we both know I'm the mastermind of the family. I don't know where I got it from but I use my mind as a weapon. If I need to kill somebody, I use my hands. It's easier than carrying around something.

I walk down the street, minding my own business when somebody bumps right into me. Whoever it is better to know I might kill them if my outfit is dirty.

I look up and see a pair of brown eyes.

"Sorry," he says and I look at his whole face. It's so pretty.... B.B. Snap out of it! It's just a guy!

"I-it's ok" I stutter. Why am I stuttering?! I'm B.B Quinn for crying out loud!

He grabs my hand and helps me off the dirty street. When he lets go my hand feels cold without his.

"I'm Ben," he says and sticks out his hand for me to shake. Does he not know who I am? Does he not watch tv or read newspapers?

"I'm B.B," I say waiting for him to realize who I am. When he doesn't, I get confused. Who is this kid?

"Nice to meet you B.B." He says and smiles. Ugh, his smile is so nice.

Why am I feeling this way? When he looks at me it gives me butterflies.

"Well, nice to meet you, Ben," I say and smile once more before walking away. Then it hit me.

Oh my god.

I just got my first crush.

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